100% Tier-1 Gogent
It appears ServerMania and Chris Neidojadlo are back with another scam company - Cheapwindowsvps.com. Exploiting the lacking ahh pre-offer publish standards on LEB.
This time the scandal involves: Cheapwindowsvps.com, which is the current LEB offer.
Straight from their website HTML:
ga('create', 'UA-35433042-12', 'cheapwindowsvps.com')
UA-35433042-12, that seems familiar
the -12 indicates it is one of at least 12 sites being tracked under this account.
Plugging the base tracking ID into Google:
We yield:
11 websites with Analytics ID UA-35433042 - SameID.net
and 4th in the results....
vpsboard.com › vpsBoard › Industry News
Dec 15, 2013 - 19 posts - 12 authors
8 websites with Analytics ID UA-35433042export current table: csv1 csv2Domain / Last seenexport: txt IP Available details minecraftserver.co ...
What other sites share the same Google Tracking code and are owned by Chris Neidjadlo and/or Servermania (Chris is a senior person at Servermania who is know for shell companies ala CC style... Chris' N3.ca and other entities in his father's name are known for the very same CC shell operation games)--- Chris N's relationship to ServerMania and B2Net (other operating name) are documented here:
This time the scandal involves: Cheapwindowsvps.com, which is the current LEB offer.
Straight from their website HTML:
ga('create', 'UA-35433042-12', 'cheapwindowsvps.com')
UA-35433042-12, that seems familiar
Plugging the base tracking ID into Google:
We yield:
11 websites with Analytics ID UA-35433042 - SameID.net
and 4th in the results....
vpsboard.com › vpsBoard › Industry News
Dec 15, 2013 - 19 posts - 12 authors
8 websites with Analytics ID UA-35433042export current table: csv1 csv2Domain / Last seenexport: txt IP Available details minecraftserver.co ...
What other sites share the same Google Tracking code and are owned by Chris Neidjadlo and/or Servermania (Chris is a senior person at Servermania who is know for shell companies ala CC style... Chris' N3.ca and other entities in his father's name are known for the very same CC shell operation games)--- Chris N's relationship to ServerMania and B2Net (other operating name) are documented here:
minecraftserver.co >>
2014.06.01 >> Analytics: UA-35433042 vpsace.com >>
2014.05.17 >> Analytics: UA-35433042
Powered by: wordpress icohol.com >>
2014.04.30 >> Adsense: pub-8063482268262387
Analytics: UA-35433042
Powered by: wordpress cheapwindowsvps.com >>
2014.04.30 >> Analytics: UA-35433042 www.web-hosting-review.com >>
2014.05.12 >> Analytics: UA-27629794 35433042
Addthis: xa-4c873bb26489d97f
Powered by: wordpress 2.ht >>
2014.05.14 >> Analytics: UA-35433042 solveddos.com >>
2014.06.07 >> Analytics: UA-35433042
Powered by: wordpress ssdvps.com >>
2014.05.29 >> Analytics: UA-35433042 vpncast.com >>
2014.05.13 >> Analytics: UA-35433042 niedojadlo.net >>
2014.04.06 >> Analytics: UA-35433042 www.niedojadlo.net >>
2014.05.17 >> Analytics: UA-35433042
Powered by: wordpress
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