Bad Goy
As the title says - pimp your logs with “PimpMyLog” [1], a log viewer written in PHP by Herr. Potsky!
The description is simple and to the point:

This is what the current version (1.5.2) looks like when it has been deployed:
I blurred out a few items which I wanted to have private. So that's how it looks. Very pimp'd, indeed and it's overall very nice, is it not? It works great too!
I do beg my pard — all in accordance — if the screenie is too big for some people. If it is, I can fix that. I'm also sorry for the 'minimal post' + any mistakes on my part. The excuse is the same old; I am very tired and I reckon that if somebody finds this useful, he'll look into the specifics himself. That's my POV anyway,
Now I must charge myself with three hours of much-needed sleep before the ordinary routine resumes (in Sweden we call it "ekorrhjul" (or the spiral which goes round and round (spiralen går runt) - the English translation for that is not very descriptive so I left it out altogether and reformulated the paragraog).
Over & out!
Best wishes,
1. Official site: http://pimpmylog.com/ [written in PHP and even has compatibility down to ancient PHP 5.2] | PimpMyLog on https://github.com/potsky/PimpMyLogGitHub
In some places the lovely 'Times New Roman'-font hadn't been applied. Fixed.
The description is simple and to the point:
I assume the majority of us in this community just loves to look through our logs, yes? At least that's something I'm almost obsessed about doing very, very oftenLog viewer for your web server

This is what the current version (1.5.2) looks like when it has been deployed:

I blurred out a few items which I wanted to have private. So that's how it looks. Very pimp'd, indeed and it's overall very nice, is it not? It works great too!
I do beg my pard — all in accordance — if the screenie is too big for some people. If it is, I can fix that. I'm also sorry for the 'minimal post' + any mistakes on my part. The excuse is the same old; I am very tired and I reckon that if somebody finds this useful, he'll look into the specifics himself. That's my POV anyway,
Now I must charge myself with three hours of much-needed sleep before the ordinary routine resumes (in Sweden we call it "ekorrhjul" (or the spiral which goes round and round (spiralen går runt) - the English translation for that is not very descriptive so I left it out altogether and reformulated the paragraog).
Over & out!
Best wishes,
1. Official site: http://pimpmylog.com/ [written in PHP and even has compatibility down to ancient PHP 5.2] | PimpMyLog on https://github.com/potsky/PimpMyLogGitHub
In some places the lovely 'Times New Roman'-font hadn't been applied. Fixed.
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