
Search results

  1. T

    FLIPHOST | 2 Years! |New Location! | Now offering SSD KVM! | 2GB for $7 | Free DNS | 80% OFF!

     @, can i stack ALL of these: cores, ram, disk, bandwidth? or just some types? Do you accept Google wallet or Visa card?
  2. T

    RamNode Down?

    My VPSs were down. Hope everything comes back soon.
  3. T

    What are your RAM limits for different use cases?

    @wlanboy, Thank you for your list of RAM sizes including their usage. Interesting :)
  4. T

    What are features you as a client want to see

    I like DNS and off-loaded SQL  :) 
  5. T

    How do you track your own VPS collection

    That's nice. I will give it a try :) 
  6. T

    "free -m" on KVM VPS

    I have the same question. 
  7. T

    [Catalyst Host] KVM Launch Promo 256MB $5/m

    Congratulation Catalyst team :) BTW, I hope all other providers have the speedtest page like yours, very useful.