
Search results

  1. DomainBop

    looking for dedicated sever They listed the offer below on WHT yesterday and it sold out in a few hours but you can always contact them and see what else they have.  They still have some i3's ($30) and single disk L5420's. CPU: Intel Dual Xeon L5420 (2.50 GHZ x 8)...
  2. DomainBop

    Clustering Systems

    InfiniBand is available as an option on OVH's HPC line... --> free 1-month beta test application for the hourly HPCspot service.
  3. DomainBop

    Clustering Systems

    HPCC developed by HPCC Systems and's opensource comparison with Hadoop: The Pie said clustering not clusterfucking.
  4. DomainBop

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked
  5. DomainBop

    What local DNS servers are you using?

    No.  NXDOMAIN and SERVFAIL lookups are no longer being redirected.
  6. DomainBop

    What local DNS servers are you using?

    Edis provides the two Austria DNS servers in Austria (and "logging completely disabled" on their 2 servers).  Many of the servers in other countries are run/donated by private individuals and the ones in the US at least seem to be prone to frequent downtime.  Global list of the project's servers...
  7. DomainBop

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    There's lots of results in Google for all major registrars and domain hijacking.  GoDaddy was in the news earlier this year after hijackers used social engineering on GoDaddy's support to hijack a domain that was the contact email for a valuable Twitter account. Going back a few years, does...
  8. DomainBop

    Talk Show Host Starts IP Spoofing Friendly VPS Service In Buffalo

    LET deleted the offer so for anyone who missed it google cache BigBucks has been advertising on the skiddie forums so an offer on LET is usually the next step up the ladder for many of these HF hosts (and probably very fertile ground for customer acquisition). They also allow "small time...
  9. DomainBop

    Talk Show Host Starts IP Spoofing Friendly VPS Service In Buffalo

    I'm torn between laughing and a massive facepalm. I found this offer on LET and thought I'd share because every line of the offer, WHOIS, and website is flashing a warning sign. Jerry Springer, hee hee. Fake WHOIS, fake address on site, fake LLC, IP spoofing enabled, lorem ipsum text, blank...
  10. DomainBop

    URL shortener script suggestions?

    WTF is self-hosted?  I use's "Branded Short Domain" feature (aka custom domain).
  11. DomainBop

    Do you tell a customer your server specs if he asks?

    Vendor: "Heh, wait until he finds out he's sharing that 1Gbps port with 300 torrenters and will be lucky to get dial-up speeds" Vendor "Heh, wait until he finds out I oversold the CPU and I/O on that E5 to the point where he'd get better performance from a Pentium Pro" If you want painfully...
  12. DomainBop

    Kansas City, Missouri Based Datashack gets into Gigabit Municipal ISP Business with FREE Services

    These types of projects are possible to start but until someone turns a profit nobody is going to be convinced they have a viable business model and are sustainable, or stated another was possible for WebVan to start their little grocery delivery project and it was possible for them to...
  13. DomainBop

    Time management

    Slow, heavy, PHP-driven bloatware.
  14. DomainBop

    Collaboration Script/System/Solutions

    Alfresco does all of that. :) Alfresco also shares Sharepoint's newbie unfriendly administration and installation features.  There is more of a learning curve required than installing and administering a simple product like a forum script or SolusVM.  On the plus side, Alfresco community...
  15. DomainBop

    Collaboration Script/System/Solutions

    currently using (all open source): OpenProject <--Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL < --installed on a 2GB Xen VPS <--project management, wiki, calendars, meetings, project document management, etc <-- features Alfresco (Community Edition) <--Java  / PostgreSQL<-- installed on an i5-3570 w/8GB RAM...
  16. DomainBop

    VPS With soluswm

    Your 768MB+ specs in NL for $5 monthly gets you one of the NSA specials :P DigitalOcean or Vultr. If you want to host your mailserver on something in NL that isn't governed by US law you need to raise your price range by a couple of dollars monthly. edit: missed the SolusVM requirement in the...
  17. DomainBop

    Ordering glasses online?

    Check Groupon, LivingSocial, and AmazonWhateverDaFackLocalDealsSomething.  They usually have deals to get a pair of glasses (and usually a free eye exam ) worth up to $250-$300 for $20-$40 at a local least they do in NY.
  18. DomainBop

    SolusVM SOLD and acquired by OnApp

    These are recent actual quotes (borrowed from LET) from a SolusVM using middleman provider (who shall go nameless) when something went wrong which illustrate why I have always avoided middlemen when I'm buying something mission critical like a dedicated server (or a "redundant cloud")...
  19. DomainBop

    SolusVM SOLD and acquired by OnApp

    Nor would I want to buy anything from you (or anyone) that you're playing the middleman on. :P The federation concept reminds me of a wholesale version of OneProvider's (now discontinued) retail OneCloud offering.  I question how many buyers who are looking for a redundant HA cloud solution are...
  20. DomainBop

    SolusVM SOLD and acquired by OnApp

    Shakespeare often thought of them.. "Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything"