
Search results

  1. DomainBop

    Super cheap VPS's in Canada (Bitcoin and Paypal)

    Tacky is the unmeated 0.25 EUR plan I'm about to launch to compete directly with 32club and I have an IPv6 /48 (none of this tunneled stuff) and a 1Gbps port so the sky's the limit, and the best part is I only need to sell 8 plans monthly to break even. Benchmarks from the supernode: wget...
  2. DomainBop

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    Maarten over on LET now requires proof when you make any negative CVPS/123sys statements so I'll help you out with the proof. (scroll down the results page, the database dump appears to be from February 2013...I don't...
  3. DomainBop

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    Filing the annual paperwork to keep the company's corporate status in good standing with the government should be worth the hassle too but BlueVM apparently doesn't think so since it didn't bother to file its paperwork this year. A short recap of the last 9 months of low end domain problems...
  4. DomainBop

    When did you realize you were getting old?

    When my mother asked me earlier this year, "did you join AARP yet?"
  5. DomainBop

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    A quick glance at google indicates BlueVM security compromise topics are an annual event. May 2012: June 2013: August 2014:: ..and this boys...
  6. DomainBop

    €1,99 dedicated server

    I think the party ended for "not so good OpenVZ providers" last year and they've faced an increasing struggle to survive since then (as witnessed by the large increase in deadpools and acquisitions this year)..  Even on LowEndTalk the natives are no longer willing to put up with crappy...
  7. DomainBop

    Favourite TV shows?

    I canceled my cable TV years ago because I couldn't find a doctor willing to give me a free lobotomy . :P
  8. DomainBop

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    They should have already feared this when using any of these shitproviders™ given the businesses' complete lack of due diligence when hiring poorly paid contractors**  and the average shitproviders™ complete ignorance of information security standards. For shits and giggles, ask one of these...
  9. DomainBop

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    Looks like whoever hijacked the domain decided to delete the domain at the registrar.  Dig is returning NXDOMAIN.
  10. DomainBop

    BoltVM review

    Consider this a friendly reminder that CC complaints must be accompanied by proof and should only be made in the Cest Pit where they won't be indexed by search engines.  Please provide me with screenshots proving your allegations within the next 24 hours otherwise you will be banned for spamming...
  11. DomainBop

    New look

    I just did "change theme"  "2013 theme" <click> :P The new theme looks better than the old one but it's too bright for my eyeballs :(
  12. DomainBop

    €1,99 dedicated server

    I doubt if anyone seriously thought you owned a publicly traded company which has a stock market cap of 9.8 billion euros  with almost 14 million customers and whose 2013 revenues were 3.7 billion euros  and which earlier this month said it was interested in buying T-Mobile's USA division...
  13. DomainBop

    DigitalOcean vs Vultr vs Mothership1?

    The performance was mediocre when the networking in their system was working: problems with IP assignments on new instances, ports that would suddenly stop forwarding leaving the instance inaccessible.  It felt like an early beta not a ready for production system to me when I tried it....and the...
  14. DomainBop

    The cesspit / chat thread.

    I've decided to take my inspiration from the esteemed Maarten Kosten's new  review rules and only post my reviews (i.e. bitches rants, throwing objects) in the CestPit. Review: A typical f**king day in Iceland Virtualization Land. ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of...
  15. DomainBop

    Places to Get SSL Certs?

    cheapest... They're $8.95 for 1 yr Positive SSL, $4.99 if you buy a 5 year : Cheaper:  $5.99 for 1 yr, $4.80 for 5 yr.  mini review: I've used them, no problems
  16. DomainBop

    Why I do not like ReliableSite.Net

    I hate their guts because I'm always confusing ReliableSite in Choopa with ReliableServers in Choopa and I'm seriously thinking of calling my lawyers to file a lawsuit for mental anguish due to the extreme distress caused by the name confusion...other than that almost everything I've heard about...
  17. DomainBop

    DigitalOcean New York City 3

    Next time just take your laptop and sit in front of 111 8 Ave and use Google's free wifi :P (if security is a concern though..)
  18. DomainBop

    Best low cost CDN?

    For $10 monthly the best choice is usually to not use a CDN.  Using a cheap CDN often does more harm than good and may actually slow your site down.  The performance of cheap CDNs often leaves a lot to be desired...
  19. DomainBop

    DigitalOcean New York City 3

    NYC1 is actually located in Newark, NJ too...ServerStack in Equinix Color this NYer unimpressed with DO's NYC network. .. pings: Iniz 0.6ms RamNode 0.75ms HostVirtual 0.9ms Choopa New Jersey 1.2ms NFO servers NYC 1.6ms DO NYC2 1.7ms
  20. DomainBop

    Anyone else use How many false positives do you receive?

    I'm using their Germany and US-mid locations but most of my servers (and 100% of my websites) are in Europe so the results I see from their monitoring will probably be different than someone who is monitoring primarily US-based servers. That seems like they're having trouble communicating with...