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  1. HalfEatenPie

    Paleo diet

    Hm well then I stand corrected.  I never really looked into the Atkins diet to be honest and I heard a friend of mine say it's basically the same thing with a different name.  I just went off of that. 
  2. HalfEatenPie

    Storage VPS Offers United States and Canada

    You probably already know the obvious ones but I"ll just restate them ;) BuyVM's 500GB Storage. Backupsy's plans (although currently I don't think Oktay is doing promotions).  
  3. HalfEatenPie

    Zabbix Series 1: Scalability

    So... after I saw that this was posted I got really excited. You know why?  Because previously (a year or two ago) when I was looking for a easily scale-able monitoring system I was trying to setup Zabbix.  Unfortunately I couldn't get it to work (I spent a week or two on this) and in the end...
  4. HalfEatenPie

    Paleo diet

    If I recall it's basically the Atkins Diet with a new name.   Can't say for certain if it works because I"ve never done it.  
  5. HalfEatenPie

    KnightSwarm: 25 hours of live stream gaming for charity.

    No official words so question what you read but here's what I read. Obviously possible misinformation but still something to consider.  
  6. HalfEatenPie

    LA Dedicated Servers

    Please review the title of the post ;) 
  7. HalfEatenPie

    KnightSwarm: 25 hours of live stream gaming for charity.

    From my understanding it wasn't Extra Life that was attacked specifically.  If I recall (it was in a reddit post) Extra Life is ran on Level 3's CDN.  Level 3's CDN got hit and Extra Life was part of the collateral damage.  
  8. HalfEatenPie

    Cheap Server (dedicated server)

    Yep Dacentec announced it a month ago but I still don't see any nLayer in my network.  Dacentec's BGP doesn't even help either.
  9. HalfEatenPie

    Quick Gallery

    Fantastic!  I love everything that's going on! 
  10. HalfEatenPie

    KnightSwarm: 25 hours of live stream gaming for charity.

    Just donated 25 dollars to the cause!  Let's get this going!  
  11. HalfEatenPie

    Running your own zpanel instance

    Well, that general perspective has been around even before that post started (although if I recall someone who was friends with the devs or something came in and commented).  It just happened that during that string of posts the zpanel website was hacked and taken down.   zPanel looks nice...
  12. HalfEatenPie

    Running your own zpanel instance

    zPanel is known as an open source control panel with TONS of horrible security practice.  In addition, the developers refused to state that this was an issue and ended up with the explanation "It's an open source panel we made in our spare time, what do you expect?" (Obviously highly condensed...
  13. HalfEatenPie

    LA Dedicated Servers

    I've been looking for something like this, haven't come up with anything still though.   I'll probably be keeping an eye on this as well and probably will be also placing an order (if possible) for similar service :o
  14. HalfEatenPie

    BuyVM announces free SSD upgrades on all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans!

    I feel a tingle. Kidding.  But seriously excited for these SSDs! 
  15. HalfEatenPie

    512mb KVM on US East Coast

    SecureDragon with Florida?  Technically south-east coast.  It's where my monitoring system is located.  
  16. HalfEatenPie

    Fliphost | Important Announcement

    Fantastic!   I've always been a pretty decent fan of fliphost (although I currently don't have any active services with them).  I know CloudShard to be pretty good so this should be awesome! 
  17. HalfEatenPie

    Hardcloud launching their "Premium Virtual Private Servers"

    Haha hilarious.  Looks like another kiddie host. 
  18. HalfEatenPie

    PremiumVM Up for Sale.

    See I'm not a client of PremiumVM, but I'm going to address (and complain) about this right now. I hate how a customer's information is immediately transferred to a third party without any notification to the client beforehand.  I mean when you sign up with a company you'd assume that person...