
Search results

  1. NodeBytes

    Get your own /64 IPv6 network without the help of your provider

    @  peterw -
  2. NodeBytes

    Atom Dedi

    @Jeffrey - No, but it does have to be $20 or less a month.
  3. NodeBytes

    How is vpsBoard performance in your location?

    Had the clouflare page for about 10 minutes today.
  4. NodeBytes

    BuyVM offloaded SQL

    Edit: Just ordered offloaded sql services... got marked as fraud(first time ever). I'll have to wait til they manually approve. :P
  5. NodeBytes

    SwiftVM Shutting Down

    @shovenose - That's a mature answer :P
  6. NodeBytes

    Would anyone like to take this VPN off my hands?

    VPNme - Thanks for joining. Always appreciate good customer service. @Chronic - There you go :)
  7. NodeBytes

    How is vpsBoard performance in your location?

    It's been very sluggish tonight, especially in posting.
  8. NodeBytes

    SwiftVM Shutting Down

    Agreed. Although if the profit margins were too low that could have proven difficult. 
  9. NodeBytes

    Domain Auction -

    @XFS_Duke - Done.
  10. NodeBytes

    Domain Auction -

    Guess nobody wants it, if anyone wants to just take it let me know. 
  11. NodeBytes

    BuyVM offloaded SQL

    @Franciso - Let us know when it's up! I'd love to use it once you get HA setup.
  12. NodeBytes

    Best free DNS hosting?

    @wlanboy - new accounts are probably limited to 1 zone.
  13. NodeBytes

    Need a router for the house.

    Airport Extremes are amazingly great performers. They can handle a ton of traffic and are pretty awesome. Oh and 6to4 tunnels work really well with them. I have one setup with mine right now. If you want to spend less go for the Linksys (Cisco) E2500...
  14. NodeBytes

    What are you using IPv6 for?

    I would love that! 100bg for 28/year? That would be awesome!
  15. NodeBytes

    Verizon DSL Customers - What is your AS?

    Would you please go to and tell me what your AS is? Thanks!!
  16. NodeBytes

    What are you using IPv6 for?

    @Reece - I occasionally do. As others have said since IPV6 isn't so flushed out there are many times I have had shorter routes or reduced latency between locations than with IPV4.
  17. NodeBytes

    Domain Auction -

    I bought this domain whilst working on a project and ended up getting and using a different one instead. It was registered in April 2012 on GoDaddy and can be transferred to the registrar of your choice. Reserve is $5 with minimum bid increment of $1. Auction ends July 13 at...
  18. NodeBytes

    How to handle script installation

    Assuming you have a simple config file that already holds this information, a simple php page should suffice as this is already a web based control panel. You could throw a page together that is used initially for the install and then deleted so nobody can mess with the installation. At most it...