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  1. Criot

    Why Don't Providers Do This One Simple Thing ... To Make More Money?

    WHMCS has an add funds feature, maybe the providers you've been with don't use it? Most providers allow subscriptions and the adding of funds as well, and there is a setting in WHMCS for invoices to automatically take those funds to pay for them.
  2. Criot

    The Anti-Virus debate

    Kaspersky, used it for several years, never had any problems and therefore I've had no reason to change, it does everything I need it to. I also tend to get a discount every renewal as well, woo!
  3. Criot

    What browser are you using?

    Also using Chrome!
  4. Criot

    What is your favorite forum / community software?

    For free the best I've used would be MyBB, paid would be vBulletin, however I did always find that the MyBB Control Panels seemed a lot neater and better laid out in comparison to vBulletin, and there are a lot of addons/mods available for MyBB which meant it could be customized to offer similar...
  5. Criot

    Future of Shared Web Hosting?

    There'll probably always be people who just want to put in their URL and access their website, they don't want to have to install control panels, fix issues, purchase licenses etc. Web hosting will probably always be suitable for a range of people who can't manage their own servers and don't...
  6. Criot

    could someone tell me how to find whether a hosting company i providing purely ssd or not ?

    If you can't trust them to tell you the truth about their hardware, can you trust them with your data? That's something you need to consider. If I had any reason to believe a company was lying about their hardware, I probably wouldn't use their services. As others have suggested, you can...
  7. Criot

    Best cloud hosting platform or company?

    Are you looking for a real cloud with high availability, auto failover etc? Or are you looking for a VPS with cloud like features? There are companies which advertise as cloud but only offer the cloud like features, whilst others have the HA and failover.
  8. Criot

    Any experience with virtualizor?

    We have been using it in a public beta of VPS, we've not come across any issues/had any issues reported, support has gone above and beyond whenever we've had to contact them, which is always good to see.
  9. Criot

    Does your computer ever sleep?

    Yes, set to automatically sleep if it isn't used for around an hour, and obviously I turn it off when I'm not using it. I have no purpose of leaving it turned on!
  10. Criot

    Competitive Pricing?

    If you're aiming for the low end market then sure, but you need to make sure your prices are sustainable. If you have to oversell to give them prices, you'll soon get a bad reputation and lose clients. You're better off having higher prices (and therefore better quality services) than what you...
  11. Criot

    FraudRecord Public Dumps User / Customer Info

    I think definitely all of these points are valid, I can see why these sort of things need to be validated, but realistically, if FraudRecord started charging for their service to implement such measures, how many companies would actually continue to use it? How many use it just because it's a...
  12. Criot

    Control Panels

    cPanel is probably one of the most popular but there are certainly other alternatives such as InterWorx which seems to have become slightly more popular as of recently.
  13. Criot

    Webhostingtalk / Inet Interactive SOLD!

    Unlikely the fly by night hosts would of bought corporate membership in the first place really.
  14. Criot

    Cpanel backups

    R1Soft is quite popular, cPRemote is also quite good and seems to be used by quite a few companies.
  15. Criot

    What is better: Renting or owning your hardware?

    There's nothing wrong with renting hardware to begin with, but eventually it may be good (if you have the funds to support it) in owning your own hardware. It depends on the locations you want to serve and what sort of funding you have available. Do you make enough money to buy your own...
  16. Criot

    Does SSD storage make all websites faster?

    It can certainly increase speed but on something like a website in development, there wouldn't be a significant difference in speed. SSD is certainly beneficial for websites that heavily read from their databases (such as forums), but static websites would be better off with a CDN in most cases.