
Search results

  1. Jade


    Hello! Welcome to VPSBoard :)
  2. Jade

    Average cPanel VPS license cost?

    Anywhere between $12-17
  3. Jade

    Domain Auction - Auctioning off my last best domains

    I think you won #1. Nix ended up winning #2 on LET
  4. Jade

    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    How much does a license cost?
  5. Jade

    [USA][Shared]Start your Website for only .25¢ for the first month! 50% OFF * Daily Backups* *Softacu

    Now offering 7 days Risk FREE trial's for anyone that wants to test our shared web hosting services before they buy! Click on the Start A Free Trial button in the topic!
  6. Jade

    Cloud Shards enabled IPv6 in Los Angeles

    Great to hear! Keep up the good work!  :D
  7. Jade

    [Industry Question] How Do You Pay Support Staff?

    That's how it works? If your staff is being paid as 'Independent Contractors' then eventually you have to make them a full time employee?
  8. Jade

    Where do you think the best possible location for a VPS to be?

    Where do you think the best location for a VPS node to be hosted at in a DC? Somewhere in the middle of the USA? Etc. Share your thoughts
  9. Jade

    European Servers may be an option?

    Great info :)!
  10. Jade

    Man beats bank on their own game

    Haha, that guy got them  ^_^
  11. Jade

    Selling Domain Name

    The auction ends on 8/25/13 8/22/13
  12. Jade

    Selling Domain Name

    $5.00 $2.00 is the minimum bid increment. Sorry I didn't include that in my post.
  13. Jade

    comforthost down?

    Yes, it's currently down. For what reason I have no idea
  14. Jade

    Selling Domain Name

    Please refrain from using the domain name when replying to prevent it from showing up on search engines. Starting bid: $5 Minimum bid increment: $2.00 Auction End Date: 8/22/13
  15. Jade

    European Servers may be an option?

    As you all know the hype talk that is going around with what's going on with our nation and spying on citizens, do you guys think it's a good possibility European servers will become a better option vs going with US one's specifically for that reason? Your thoughts, :)
  16. Jade

    New here, am i allowed to ask for input/reviews of my service?

    That's awesome. 6 GB RAM for free, truly amazing. Probably best offer I've seen xD
  17. Jade Ideas?

    Great idea :)
  18. Jade

    Stallion 2 - pictures and daily updates :)

    Great job, I'm really liking this!
  19. Jade

    NodeDeploy Closing US locations - lagging demand?!?!

    At least he offered free back rubs xD aha