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  1. AThomasHowe

    Passwords and Storage!

    GNU PG can do multiple key encryption - so you can encrypt a file with both Alice & Bobs keys and Alice & Bob can both decrypt them.  gpg --encrypt --recipient [email protected] \ --recipient [email protected] doc.txt This WikiPedia article may be of interest to you - Secure multi-party computation
  2. AThomasHowe

    Passwords and Storage!

    Why couldn't you encrypt a JSON file or something? Then it'd just be one encrypted file per user. Assuming it's a simple username/email & password login combo (or something like login codes/tickets/etc). edit: or BSON for Binary data.
  3. AThomasHowe

    Go to providers for cheap / dev / project boxes?

    Either of VPSDimes $7 packages (storage or high RAM) would suit you very nicely at $7/m.
  4. AThomasHowe

    Passwords and Storage!

    Have a master password that's used to unencrypt the data that is a hashed and salted password? One per user.
  5. AThomasHowe

    Wordpress alternatives?

    Lol not quite. I also like how Jekyll uses markdown for blog posts - I think markdown goes well with writing and you can write it anywhere.
  6. AThomasHowe

    Coffee. What are you drinking and what would you recommend?

    I've heard about this from a few people. Waaay too expensive though. Maybe i'll drop some hints around xmas :P
  7. AThomasHowe

    Wordpress alternatives?

    I love Jekyll. You'll have to get used to running a compiler when you make a new post but it's amazing and it runs great.
  8. AThomasHowe

    skype login - and what else happens

    Is this traffic logged from the moment you open Skype or from the moment you click log in? I don't trust Skype either but it seems most if not all of these connections are Microsoft products or some sort of third party integration (log in via Facebook etc)? I would be more concerned with what...
  9. AThomasHowe

    ARIN Stock Changes Feb 2014 - Down to 1.38

    Are we doing Price is Right rules? Closest without going over? :P
  10. AThomasHowe

    Coffee. What are you drinking and what would you recommend?

    In the UK their new-ish line of McCafé coffees are pretty good too if you just get black or white. Mocha etc is never stirred properly though.
  11. AThomasHowe

    DNS hosting options?

    CloudFlare & DigitalOcean. I might go back to doing my own DNS hosting though.
  12. AThomasHowe

    Coffee. What are you drinking and what would you recommend?

    Nowadays they have a few different brand in evert Tescos I know of. Caffoionata, Starbucks, Galaxy (the chocolate), Caffe Latte and a few others. Pretty nice. ASDA has a few but most aren't as nice. Lidls have their own brand ones too which aren't bad if you're walking past for 80p
  13. AThomasHowe

    Coffee. What are you drinking and what would you recommend?

    Love iced coffee myself, very happy that we're finally getting some off the shelf ones in the UK the past year or two. Also a bit partial to coffee eLiquid in my electronic cigarette. I don't drink much hot coffee any more though, maybe the odd McDonalds/Greggs mocha. 
  14. AThomasHowe

    Places to travel?

    Amsterdam isn't a bad day or two trip for drinkers either. Lots of bars, Heineken factory etc - not to mention the canals in-between every street. The architecture there is quite a sight too, plenty of weird tall houses because you're taxed on the width of your house. If you're in Europe and...
  15. AThomasHowe

    Places to travel?

    Amsterdam was fun but to be honest if beer, weed, tulips or the Anne Frank museum isn't your thing I bet that the rest of Holland/The Netherlands is pretty nice too. The people there were very nice. I live in Wales (a little country in the UK on the side of England) which isn't the nicest place...
  16. AThomasHowe

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    In theory you could also have kept feather up, back proxy the traffic to the real server and log/sniff traffic I guess. That's a lot of work though.
  17. AThomasHowe

    Super cheap VPS's in Canada (Bitcoin and Paypal)

    Assuming you're not doing anything crazy though - like, no more than 3 or 400 containers, surely?
  18. AThomasHowe

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    I think cloud flare was what they were using before. Anyway, homepage now says:
  19. AThomasHowe

    Super cheap VPS's in Canada (Bitcoin and Paypal)

    It's OVH so you can use whatever the other 999 people aren't using of the 100Mbps port ;)
  20. AThomasHowe

    Super cheap VPS's in Canada (Bitcoin and Paypal)

    Because the 3 EUR plan is trying to directly compete with LowEndSpirit. Yes, it's really tacky.