We all know Americans just go out there and shout all day long.
Protesting in Brussels is amazingly funny, so I ought to share this with ya, m8.
Limestone Networks' cloud is currently in beta.
Their datacenter redundancy is quite high.
Here's the benchmark results if you guys are interested - http://serverbear.com/benchmark/2013/10/04/26jYdEaXwL87yO53
You're only saying that to get honor.
League of Legends?
More like League of Casuals.
Surrender at 20.
I can't top, ADC or jungle.
Mid or AFK.
Please report my team.
This is already known long ago when Lavabit announced their shut-down.
Lavabit was forced by the government to give in its private SSL but refused and had to pay huge amounts of fine as an obstruction to government work offence.
Lavabit later had no choice but to shut-down.
Its in pre-release - http://features.cpanel.net/responses/as-a-server-administrator-i-want-ipv6-support-so-that-i-can-deal-with-the-limited-allocation-of-ipv4-address
I shit you not, Youtube is the second largest/most used search engine.
If you post content on Youtube, there's a high chance of it getting viewed by at least 2 people.
The largest/most used search engine is Google, of course.