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  1. Kakashi

    Corgi Tech - Once a Year 50% off Sale - Choose from 8 Locations @ $7/month

    London - Rapidswitch Amsterdam - Serverius Los Angeles - Quadranet Phoenix - PhoenixNAP (IOFlood) Dallas - CoreXchange (Incero) Denver - HandyNetworks Miami - Quadranet New York/Jersey - Constant Some more Reviews here as well in the comments area : ...
  2. Kakashi

    Liam Leaves the Low End. Bye Liam.

    Liam seemed like a nice guy, hope he moves over here.
  3. Kakashi

    Fail2Ban versus CSF?

    CSF has always been very good to me.  :wub:
  4. Kakashi

    Corgi Tech - Once a Year 50% off Sale - Choose from 8 Locations @ $7/month

    Reviews Here:
  5. Kakashi

    Anti-Virus: Thread 2

    Check out Clamwin.
  6. Kakashi

    Fall vpsBoard Get Fit or Active Challenge

    I'm thinking about buying a treadmill for the winter months. Will probably be good for the dogs as well.
  7. Kakashi

    Hmm, So we have bad language here?

    I've worked in a lot of places but have rarely seen bad language as an excuse to filter sites in a work environment.
  8. Kakashi

    Free Raspberry Pi's

    Yep very nice indeed.
  9. Kakashi

    Anyone heard or use WEBNX?

    Yes we used them for almost a year and were very happy with their support and network. Only downside was they don't offer colo and also at the time didn't have IPv6 support.
  10. Kakashi

    What’s New at cPanel: IPv6 and 1:1 NAT Support

    Excellent news. Looking forward to this upgrade.
  11. Kakashi

    US Federal Government Shut Down - Budget Impass

    Haha I needed a good laugh today :D
  12. Kakashi

    [Bikers] This guy is the man! [Push]

    I'm a biker myself but these guys were bang out of order.
  13. Kakashi

    Silk Road raided by the FBI

    Yeah he gave the game away. Then again if drugs were legalised then this guy would be nothing more than an entrepreneur. 
  14. Kakashi

    US Federal Government Shut Down - Budget Impass

    What annoys me though is that a small handful of members of one party can grind the GLOBAL economic recovery to a halt.  Here is a really nice video a couple of years old but still goo :
  15. Kakashi

    VPS with standalone firewall?

    This would probably be a good and cheap option.
  16. Kakashi

    Solutions for recieving mail

    Yep they stopped the free GoogleApp email a few months ago. Shame really.
  17. Kakashi

    Which OS will you support

    Debian imo.