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  1. V

    Liam Leaves the Low End. Bye Liam.

    I found it now. I didn't know LET now has threads only viewable by logged in users. And it also seems Liam would still want to get involved with LEB.
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    VM Template List - Direct Download Links |

    You sure you didn't install any backdoors in there?
  3. V

    Liam Leaves the Low End. Bye Liam.

    By the way, I checked leb and let- where did Liam say he is leaving? Or was it deleted now?
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    Liam Leaves the Low End. Bye Liam.

    If people do hate cc related threads already- why not create a category dedicated to it. In that way, members with problems reading cc thread can just ignore the category
  5. V

    Features you'd want in a bash backup script?

    There is a backup script that I used before that does this also (which escapes me right now). But instead of sending a backup of the whole server- it only sends the delta or changed files.
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    Some strong words from none other than LowEndAdmin

    Joel / Chief failed us. Since LET / LEB was just passed over to him- it would have been the perfect oppurtunity to turn the website into 100% community driven.