
Search results

  1. johnlth93

    (BETA TESTING) 256mb IPv6-only OpenVZ in Los Angeles for $1/month!

    I just got the payment through paypal and i just notice this. This IPv6-only really is "IPv6-Only" I can't update software with dot-deb repo without IPv4 ... Though this is kinda like LES but seem like it isn't. Is this intentional? Totally no ipv4 outgoing or will be added along with the...
  2. johnlth93

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday predicitions.

    I would love to see some IPv6 only deals coming out more, i am embracing IPv6 here  :) But well, these LE* you know =) pretty sure what MannDude said going to happen  ^_^
  3. johnlth93

    (BETA TESTING) 256mb IPv6-only OpenVZ in Los Angeles for $1/month!

    It would be a lot better if it allow NAT ipv4 to access at least the SSH :) By the way, does the "BETA" mean that it is going to be a bad idea to put a production service on it even if it's one of the pool of redundant? -edit- Doesn't seem to accept my paypal payment "We're sorry, but we...
  4. johnlth93

    So, I guess we run a charity now.

    I would say it's handled pretty well  :)
  5. johnlth93

    OpenVPN stops working, can't get it to restart

    You TUN device isn't enabled. Search on how to enable in on openvpn How To
  6. johnlth93

    [KVM] ASIA (LA) + LATAM (Miami) + EU (Germany) ¡¡ SUPER SPEED @ 30% OFF !

    Monthly Transfer: 500 GB is shown on the billing panel instead of 1TB as listed above.
  7. johnlth93 got jacked!

    + 1 to that. Since v4 it became cms-ish and what not.
  8. johnlth93

    Uruguay new location, interesting? not? why? We love your feedback !

    interesting, vpn allowed? if so i might go with kvm
  9. johnlth93

    BuyVM deleting my ticket

    @yolo buyvm will take good care of their customer.
  10. johnlth93

    Question about OpenVPN 4to6

    Yea, i would like to take advantage of the new tun-ipv6. But someone might fine your post to be useful though. I do got some LES with IPv6 if you wanted but it's a couple of /128 instead of a subnet though.
  11. johnlth93

    Luna Node | Chicago KVM | Special storage / high-bandwidth offers

    10TB for $10? You serious? Yea, i am out. Great offer though, good luck  :)
  12. johnlth93

    Question about OpenVPN 4to6

      I've generally look over it, it might work i will try it when i have free time. Thanks much.   I think i can get tap/bridge mode to work but i want to take advantage of the new tun-ipv6 mode if possible.
  13. johnlth93

    Question about OpenVPN 4to6

    I used HE tunnel before, it quite inconvenience as i always got different IP from my ISP (dynamic IP) And some times i used Mobile Broadband with private IP i couldn't get HE to ping my side hence can't use the tunnel. I had read that article before, doesn't work exactly. I will try again when...
  14. johnlth93

    Question about OpenVPN 4to6

    Hi, I am wondering if anything know this. I have been searching around for some times and tried lot of times. Now i able to ipv6 assigned from server to client but there's no route to the internet. Anyone could enlight me how to achieve this 4to6 thing? I don't have native ipv6 that's why i...
  15. johnlth93

    Need Low Budget VPS - Will need 20 VPS in each city

    20 VPS per city? That's quite a number, why would you need that much? If it's okay to tell.
  16. johnlth93

    Home internet speeds

    Malaysia ADSL 4Mbps / 384Kbps RM140  ;)
  17. johnlth93

    DDoS on RamNode NL ips

    Mine seem to be fine, KVM
  18. johnlth93 --- Who want's to be a DJ?

    Yap i am from Asia too and i proxy myself into it =P Anyway it's interesting but i could only go with it on Weekends.
  19. johnlth93

    BuyVM ColoCrossing Bye Bye Hello Choopa Move Today!

    Somehow my ovz in LV was down for about 12 minutes (1 hour ago) Seem like that had nothing to do with this  ;)
  20. johnlth93

    Level3 Public DNS Servers - Search Engine Redirect

    Goddammit mine just changed as well  :angry: