We are a registered Dutch company called AbeloHost B.V. with our offices in Amsterdam and Dronten. All our servers are located at a datacenter called Serverius (TIER III datacenter), which is also located in Dronten. In 5 minutes we can enter the datacenter that is open 24/7. This gives us...
Like I'm assuming there must be a significant difference between VPS/ shared clients and dedicated clients that will be using BitCoin to pay.
95% of dedicated clients pay with credit card or Paypal.
Is there some kind of demographic available about Bitcoin. Or could you tell me from personal experience what % of your accounts are from BitCoin users. We mostly sell dedicated servers and I'm just not sure this will attract BitCoin users.
HI VPS community,
My nickname is Mix and I'm the manager of AbeloHost, a European web hosting provider. I hope to learn new information related to hosting and share my knowledge about it. Nice to meet you all.
Based on a conversation I've had with our technical manager, it's almost to impossible to prevent it. You can, however, lower the chances. You can do what I do and make sure you hire a good technician.
We don't because its value seems to be too unreliable for us. Besides, not many people use it. If you'd want to give it a try, you can sign up at Coinbase.
I'm not interested, but will you be providing a fixed salary, or will you let the person work on commission? I assume that you'll be marketing the website? Am I correct?