
Search results

  1. Mayers

    SendGrid: Employee Account Hacked - Customer Credentials stolen

    That's a good idea. With all the problems like this lately I think it's time to do something like this. Yep. Whenever this is an option I always use it.
  2. Mayers

    BREAKING: Comcast to Dump Time Warner Deal

    I'm not really shocked the deal isn't going through. Comcast is huge in my area and quite costly. I'm not too sure who they might go after next but it seems the FCC is really going to give them a hard time due to their history when buying out someone.
  3. Mayers

    Baltimore Burns.

    I have a few family members down in Baltimore, had to call to make sure everyone was ok and they were thank god. It's really sad to see something like that happen. I have no problem with a peaceful protest but when it turns into a riot like that it's a problem. Using violence to make a point...
  4. Mayers

    What's for Lunch?

    I had a cheesesteak hoagie today.
  5. Mayers

    Any experience with virtualizor?

    I've been using Virtualizor since Jan of this year. I think it's pretty easy to use, never had a problem with it and I can fine everything with ease.
  6. Mayers

    Do you use Bitcoin?

    I have a Bitpay account setup. So far I've only had 3 people sign up using it.
  7. Mayers

    Multi Virtualization

    Ah I missed that! I get the idea behind it but I'm not sure if I'd be willing to try it myself. I think i'd opt to just setup a new node dedicated to KVM.
  8. Mayers

    Thoughts on public shaming / blacklist of accounts in negative standing?

    I get the idea behind it but wouldn't post something like this on my site. I report things like this to fraudreport but that's about it. I'd never add this on my company site, it's just one more thing that has to be maintained.
  9. Mayers

    Multi Virtualization

    So I got an email today from Virtualizor today. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried this with any of the other control panels? Would you ever be willing to try this?
  10. Mayers

    RDNS Requests

    Thank you everyone for your feedback, it's been very helpful. I have setup RDNS so it can be managed by the customers directly and also installed nodewatch (very handy I must say).
  11. Mayers

    Poll: Importance of Control Panels

    The control panel needs to be user friendly. I've given providers with custom panels a chance and 99% of the time I've found them hard to use, it's to the point that I'll leave them. Example: Dreamhost's control panel, IMO sucks. I never personally had an account with them but I've gotten a...
  12. Mayers

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    Alright they really screwed this one up big time. I can't even reply over there using firefox, had to use Opera. They didn't take anytime at all plan this upgrade the right way. I've been running forums for over 10 years now and never damn near brought a site down to it's knees. They should...
  13. Mayers

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    Any major upgrade will have some issues but it just seems like it was kinda rushed.
  14. Mayers

    RDNS Requests

    I'd like to seek advice from some of the more seasoned providers on here. I'm in the low end vps market and with that seems to come a lot of RDNS requests. I do check fraudrecord to see if there are records on there, if they have a record I deny the order. For the customers that come back clean...
  15. Mayers

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    It seems to be load fine for me on FF. Maybe it's a cache issue?
  16. Mayers

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    They wanted Stevie Wonder to see it :P. Overall I'm personally not impressed, nothing new other than going from rock solid vb3 to vb4. I'm sure DragonByte will love the traffic from WHT footer.
  17. Mayers

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    Yeah I saw that screenshot. It's pretty much the same as FreeWHT, the same old design that's been there for like 10 years. As much as the Corp membership is, you'd think they'd have a new look by now :\
  18. Mayers

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    I wonder if they are going to upgrade to vB4 at this time or on to a different software.
  19. Mayers

    What do you tell people you do for a living?

    I leave it at IT.