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  1. T

    Dedicated Ram

    Yes you SHOULD be getting dedicated RAM if nothing is stated otherwise and you're actually paying for it as well (don't expect dedicated RAM at less than $3/GB or similar pricing).   The load that your 512MB RAM VPS can take "on" depends on other factors beside the mere MBs that you have... ...
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    Dedicated Ram

    There are three "types" of RAM with VPS allocations.   Dedicated RAM is JUST that, RAM that you can use whenever/however you like. A VPS containing 1GB of dedicated RAM means you can have up to 1GB of usage with no "slow down" (assuming you're not trying to use more RAM, CPU is fine, and...
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    Prolimehost's Reviews/Second Opinions?

    Hello, I am seeking for reviews or even just second opinions on this provider.   To understand what I am after I am seeking for Up to Date dedicated servers and full management in one place.  I am hoping to get things such as but not limited to...  Are they an ethical business? Or are...
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    Where could I ask for Reviews/Second Opinions of a Interested Provider?

    Thank you, I see what you means as you won't probably find too many reviews for someone as if there were a provider called for example "Server456687!"...     I am just going to try to get some feedbacks to make sure I am not being "ripped off" and possibly a few actual reviews out it. Before...
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    Where could I ask for Reviews/Second Opinions of a Interested Provider?

    Hello,  I am not sure where to post a thread requesting reviews/second opinions of a provider who I am interested of using. Could someone kindly point me where to post that? 
  6. T

    Business Tips 101: If you're going to rip a TOS word for word...

    I see now, I used to run a company and I was so good at rewriting a host's terms as a "base" and was told it was "so good" that it would had costed me ~3k to have it written up if I didn't take the time and efforts to DIY.   My point of view if the company was not heavily invested or whatever...
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    Business 101: Advertising That Appears To Take Advantage of Human Tragedy Tends To Backfire

    I am very surprised such a "good" supplier would execute such an act. I am no longer with them at the moment I noticed this ridiculous ad...  They seem to be really either "greedy" or a company who "falling apart" due to insufficient cash flow.   Can someone suggest any suitable...
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    Business Tips 101: If you're going to rip a TOS word for word...

    While examples like you pointed out is highly unprofessional (and in fact violate copyrights), there are options than spending $3,000+ on "covering up your butts". DIY can get you started IF you take the TIME and EFFORTS to do it decently than just bluntly copying, plopping it in Word and...