
Search results

  1. K

    VPSboard IRC: cannot join. you need to be identified with services

    Hello, I am receiving this error message on VPSBoard irc: #vpsboard Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services Thanks.
  2. K

    Shared Hosting Under $5 Year?

    Hello, If you can buy VPS at $6 - $10 year then why you can't buy shared hosting at this price? Thanks.
  3. K

    Never use this of hosting company

    Hello, Never host your website/server on this type of hosting company. They display TOS/AUP Link but link is broken(404 not found)  - (Acceptable If they are unaware of broken link issue) No TOS/AUP/Refund Link Copyright 2004 to 2013 but domain registration date is January 2013 Live Chat...
  4. K

    What is size of your Monitor?

    Hello, What is size of your monitor? - Best monitor size for eyes? Thanks.
  5. K

    Facebook remove my account without warning ;(

    Hello, Facebook remove my account without any prior warning, I never violate TOS of Facebook. Find Your Account No Search Results!! Your search did not return any results. Please try again with other information. Incorrect Email The email you entered does not belong to any account. Few...
  6. K

    Dewlance™ - 650MB RAM - XenHVM SSD VPS - 4x vCPU - $7/m - Allow Minecraft

    Dewlance™ was founded by Chandra Parkash in 2009 then after a year we move from home to office. Our Company and Trademark is Registered in India under Company Registration Act. 1908 and "Shop Establishment Act". Dewlance is also a member of Microsoft SPLA and we've a Import Export Code. Plan...
  7. K

    How to rebuild your company image?

    If your company image is bad because of you did some mistake in past then how can you rebuild your company image quickly? Everyone make mistake but once you make a mistake then you can't fix it so quickly but I need your sugestion.
  8. K

    Secret Forum Section?

    Hello, Please add secret forum section which is only accessible/viewed by registered members? Thanks, Kunnu
  9. K

    IP Board vs XenForo?

    Hello, This forum is using a IP Board forum software and I am looking for a good forum software but I am confused. Do you recommended me to use IP Board or XenForo? (I think peoples like XenForo because of XF is developed by ex-employe of vb?) Thanks, Kunnu
  10. K

    Provider - Posting Rules

    Respectable Manndude, Q1. If provider is more then 2 year old and you can find company/address details in google then why need to disable whois privacy of domain? (Eg: If whois privacy is disabled due to spamming issue and hijacking issue?) Q2. 25 Minumum post: Why need to post to many spam...