
Search results

  1. peterw

    KS dedicated server or vps?

    A lot of people are talking about the OVH low end dedicated server. An Atom cpu and a single hard disk. But 500GB of harddisk, 2GB of RAM and unlimited bandwith. Yearly costs: 47,84€ or 63$. A budget of 5$ a month. If I look to the known providers I get 512MB of RAM 50 GB of diskspace 1-2...
  2. peterw

    [Split] MicoHosting Inquries

    Does anyone know Microhosting? Are they reliable?
  3. peterw

    Cache side-channel attack for VMs

    Abstract: By: Yuval Yarom and Katrina Falkner Web: Direct PDF: This might be the start of new attacks aimed at virtual servers. Memory de-duplication of crypt libs can now cause a lot of security issues.
  4. peterw

    Apple developer Web site hacked

    Apple Developer Website Update: Last Thursday, an intruder attempted to secure personal information of our registered developers from our developer website. Sensitive personal information was encrypted and cannot be accessed, however, we have not been able to rule out the possibility that...
  5. peterw

    Why high RAM vps?

    My 512MB KVM does have 300 MB of free RAM. My 128MB OpenVZ vps have 20MB of free RAM. Apache with cgi/perl and PostgreSQL don't eat more RAM. Why do people buy high RAM vps? What can eat more than 512MB of RAM and is not a game server?
  6. peterw

    24khost hacked?

    If you look to this file: It doen't look good. --==[[ Configuration File Killer By Team IndiShell ]]==--...
  7. peterw

    What is the best way to install php on your vps?

    I am running Debian on my servers and I want to have a recent version of php. What is the best way to install php? Compile from source? Using Another option?
  8. peterw

    Why are so many tutorials archived?

    I want to ask a question about redis database and found a thread in the Tutorials and Guides category. But I cannot post my question because it is archived. Why?
  9. peterw

    Potential BlueVM WHMCS Breach

  10. peterw

    Google maleware report

    Nice site to see on which country and on which network (AS) maleware and fishing sites are hosted: Google Malware Dashboard.
  11. peterw

    Do you have a current backup of your servers?

    Simple question. I want to see how many people do not have backups for their servers because their hoster does weekly backups.
  12. peterw

    Non US/EU OpenVZ

    I am searching for a OpenVZ server which is not hosted in US or EU. Any known LEB providers on the other continents?