
Search results

  1. sv01

    Please use time and zone

    For provider please use timezone converter something like for announcement, maintenance, etc. I feel strange when my provider sent est 1, pdt, etc time zone because I'm not familiar with these time zone...
  2. sv01

    RocketVPS Review

    Their server speed fast :) fast enough for me root-> wget -O /dev/null - --2013-06-27 10:19:08--  http://-/ Resolving -... failed: Name or service not known. wget: unable to resolve host address “-” --2013-06-27 10:19:08-- ...
  3. sv01

    Free Domain .nu for 1 Year

    Sorry for another thread, but maybe this interesting for few people :). look at screenshot below I just register that domain while writing posting here. Register at Domain active in few minute. The cheapest price I found for renewing is $25.67 from namecheap
  4. sv01

    RobertClarke/Server Crate back ?

    :popcorn: :popcorn: He post new offer today
  5. sv01

    1.5 GB VPS with cPanel

    Hello all,  I'm looking for VPS with cPanel, the spec : Memory        : 1,5 GB Hardisk        : 40 GB Bandwith    : 500 GB IP         : 3 IPv6        : Optional cPanel        : Yes right now I've vps with spec Memory        : 1 GB 2.5 Burst Hardisk        : 40 GB Bandwith    : 500 GB IP      ...
  6. sv01

    Something Wrong with VPSBoard

    Time to upgrade ? There appears to be an error with the database. If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an...
  7. sv01

    Use more than 50 TB a month

    read the full story here that really cheap connection. In my country 100mbps/25mbps about $1000/m (for residental)