
Search results

  1. P

    gpg-mailgate-web outgoing mail encryptor

    I'm working on something to encrypt outgoing mail. It involves a web interface where anyone can upload their PGP key; mail to the email address of that key will be encrypted after an email address confirmation. The intent here would be email encryption and not email authentication. It uses...
  2. P

    Postfix - encrypt incoming mail

    See for more information Assume you're using Postfix with some IMAP server and Thunderbird. (Edit: if you're only using one of Thunderbird/Postfix, you can take the first/second part of the guide, respectively) First, install Enigmail, a Thunderbird...
  3. P

    FtpIt review

    This is a review of the 1 GB servers with ColoCrossing. After initial setup, I haven't had any problems with them. Setup did have some problems because the promotion clearly said New York but they provisioned it in LA...
  4. P

    $1.00 / IP address

    I'm looking for a stable server with about 512 MB of RAM (OpenVZ is fine) that has $1.00 per IP address, budget around $10/month for four IP addresses. Currently I'm using ServerMania, but recently they've had a ton of network problems and the server has become unusable (was down three days ago...