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  1. H

    Anyone heard from @zach recently

    I wonder what his next brand will be... hmmm.... Anyone care to start placing bets? I'm willing to make this a cash wager, $100 whoever gets the next brand name correct.
  2. H

    VPS's .. The dangers of doing business with idiots

    If these hosts exist still, please list their names if you remember them...
  3. H

    VPS's .. The dangers of doing business with idiots

    If you think security is real....
  4. H

    jdrhost moves out of lithuania

    I don't think you understand, I could honestly care less if it needs to be proven, it shouldn't be accepted in the first place.
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    VPS's .. The dangers of doing business with idiots

    If your a VPS provider and your box gets compromised you don't deserve to be a vps provider....
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    Choopa sends out Vultr to drown in the DigitalOcean

    It makes you wonder if they took the time to even think of a business plan.... OK Guys, we're going to code insecure software, say it's secure, say we take 30 seconds to deploy, have exact same plans and prices are digitalocean but have more locations Million dollar business, right there...
  7. H

    I Feel Ignored

    They respond very fast to me when they say "sorry, we don't allow people from your region to host with us."
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    ColoCrossing, Quick to Get Large IP Blocks Issued and Faster to Soil Them

    Well, SPAM is easy to send today, with all these "low end" vpses costing less than like $5 per month, it's just easy to use clean ips to spam. Plus, spamhaus is more for publicity, personally I don't give a shit about spamhaus, if I want to send spam all it will cost me is $5 basically for a...
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    Mt.Gox shuts down, is insolvent

    To say this wasn't predictable would be a lie.
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    Website Design

    Thanks @HalfEatenPie for the suggestions, I've taken in some of your suggestions, how about this?
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    Website Design

    I've been doing a little work on web-design, I dislike the bottom part text before footer personally, which I'll modify, but here's what I've made so-far: My angle for this was a very simple, minimal design, easy to navigate, etc. Please leave your comments/suggestions below.
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    jdrhost moves out of lithuania

    I still fail to see the importance of this?
  13. H

    BlueVM outted on as bad pay

    I've been sitting here, enjoying this thread. So from what I understand, if you want BlueVM to pay their debts, just post on WHT/LET/VPSBoard about them?
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    jdrhost moves out of lithuania

    I fail to see how this is big news, they host criminal activity (pirating, etc) and the datacenter asked them to leave. It's about time that someone gets shown the door.
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    Start a summer host!

    My apologies, I was unaware of such, however, you failed to see that it was a joke. I completely agree with Aldryic on this, you take things seriously. Now get back to nocostshitvps.
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    Fastest way to get GEOIP information

    What do you think the fastest way to get GEOIP information is from the GEOIP data file? (this one:
  17. H

    Start a summer host!

    This is because your mother said you were not allowed to cash out since your bank account isn't linked to a valid working non-fraudulent PayPal.
  18. H

    As a customer, would you purchase from a provider that doesn't offer Paypal balance payments?

    Well, cut out PayPal, use 2checkout since they accept PayPal for you. So then you can still accept PayPal.