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  1. TruvisT

    Would anyone else like this idea?

    Coding a WHMCS plugin that would output client's into an XML file that can be imported into contact lists like SAGE ACT and Android/Apple phones, ect... so you can better keep in contact with clients and even tell when your new clients call in. Started on the Android side of things just curious...
  2. TruvisT

    Where do you buy your hardware from?

    Curious to see where everyone buys their hardware from and why. I personally, love visiting the Fry stores but I've never bought anything from them. Most of my buys come from Newegg followed by Amazon. Has anyone else jumped in on the NewEgg Premier deal yet? And for anyone who has never gone...
  3. TruvisT

    CISCO WS-C3750G-24TS-E

    Have 3 CISCO WS-C3750G-24TS-E which needs to be sold :)
  4. TruvisT

    Stock Market

    Curious as to if anyone is playing the stock market. US/EU/Asia, all the same. Also curious as to what everyone thinks about brick and mortar stores like BBY. - Their stock took a huge dump recently.
  5. TruvisT

    Command Prompt

    In regards to: Has anyone set their command prompts to a custom style and any reason why? Feel free to share!
  6. TruvisT

    When it comes to hardware hacking

    Gotta do it right :)
  7. TruvisT

    Portable Batteries

    Anyone have experience or use any? So far I've found which looks good on reviews and nice power options on the price. Never used these much so curious as to what others have or use if you use them.
  8. TruvisT

    Do you bother with rebates?

    I did once and never bothering again unless its some serious savings.
  9. TruvisT

    Looking for OEM network switches

    Hey, Does anyone know of a place that sells decent 4~8 port switches that will allow you to flash your own setups or install flash/sd cards? I can't seem to remember the name of this one company that sells them. Thanks.
  10. TruvisT

    WD Reds 3TBs

    Since we no longer use 3TB WD REDs for our NAS devices and have since started using 4TB REDS for our client's NAS devices for backups, we started to sell off our 3TBs REDS. Anyway, I've got 2 left that I can't find buyers for so I figured I would give you all dibs before ebay if anyone would...
  11. TruvisT

    Facebook Question

    Does anyone know of an app for your facebook page that requires the user to like your page in order to view the contents of that app/tab on the page? We also would like to custom what is shown on the said page so that only members of the page can see the exclusive content posted there.
  12. TruvisT

    Thank you Florida for the free publicity/branding -> 92 likes, 34 shares and it's still going! Best so far.
  13. TruvisT

    Another movie shooting

    For those who do not know yet, there was a shooting in a movie theater near the SolidShellSecurity, LLC offices today midday. Very high-end place. Same place I go to see movies. Basically, a young father was texting his child, and he and his wife were shot for being a disturbance. He died but...
  14. TruvisT

    Wifi Pineapple Another fun toy for those who would like to have some fun. Been using it myself since the mark 4. The 5 is amazingly better and just came out.
  15. TruvisT

    What Phone Apps do you have or use?

    Don't think this topic has been done yet and I am curious what everyone has. AndFTP Bluetooth File ConnectBot DroidEdit EasyUnRAR EasyTether FoxFi Fing Hacker's Key Board KeePass LinkedIn OI File Menu Pcap Capture Phone Info QuickOffice OfficeSuit Skype Register ScreenFilter SilverEdit Shark...
  16. TruvisT

    Portalable USB Drives

    What USB drives does anyone recommend for everyday on the go use and abuse? I don't want anything costly. I would like to stay under $100 per 1TB drive since I'll want about 10+. These drives will be given to our clients for temporary use to copy their files over after data recovery for example...
  17. TruvisT

    The Helpful Server Admin Script Thread

    Figure it would be cool if we had a thread just for sharing scripts that help make jobs easier. They can be well known, custom, or even simple one liners to help make your life easier.   When posting please place your script(s) in CODE tags and be sure to explain what the script does and...
  18. TruvisT

    HP MicroServers

    Anyone else have or used them? We have been grabbing them when we find great deals on them and using them for local businesses. They are great little system. You can pack up to 16GB in them and throw in a RAID 10 or 2xRAID 0,1 with an optional SSD drive in place of the optical drive. You can do...
  19. TruvisT

    [US ONLY] ESET Licenses

    I do believe that this fits the hosting industry as it offers security for all businesses and their networks :) SolidShellSecurity, LLC is now a proud partner with and because of that, we can resell licenses at discounted prices. ESET is backed fully by SolidShellSecurity, LLC and is...
  20. TruvisT

    Monitors and RasPis

    Hey all. I've got some new office space setup for me and some co-workers and the plan is to mount 3~5 30"+ monitors up on the wall with charts for alerts. Now, I don't want to place a dedicated desktop machine to each so I was wondering if anyone has done this and what worked best for you...