
Search results

  1. W

    OVH 1GB ddos protected VPS, Quebec

    Seems to be an new product of theirs: Purpose of this review is mostly to alert people to its existence.  I'm not going to do detailed tests or anything like that. I got the $2.99 "classic" vps, which I set up with 32 bit Debian 7.  Purpose was for some testing on a...
  2. W

    [Mod Move] Updating Reviews?

    HalfEatenPie here!  Split these posts from because it was deviating away from the initial discussion!  ======================================= Do we really need these monthly updates of every one of your vps's in the review threads?  How about if we have a separate thread or section for...
  3. W

    VPS with Chinese-speaking support

    I'm posting this for a guy who came on IRC looking for a VPS to run FreeBSD (so he'll need KVM or similar).  He had difficulty with English and I figured there's probably enough interest that there should be a thread for offers with good connectivity to China and with Chinese language...
  4. W

    FOSS Voip client and howto for Linux?

    So I've got a voip account and phone number with and would like to make phone calls from my Linux desktop. I tried setting up Ekiga but there were some annoying obstacles and the program itself doesn't seem that great. Does anyone have a favorite FOSS VOIP client, and suggestions...
  5. W

    VPS or dedi where I own the hard drives

    I'm potentially interested in renting a dedicated server or a VPS with dedicated storage, where I can purchase the hard drives and have them shipped to me from the DC with my data on them. Payment up front with a reasonable setup fee is fine. Is anyone in a position to offer something like that?
  6. W

    free 35 minute vps's

    I have nothing to do with this, and it frankly kind of scares me: It's a free 614mb ec2 micro instance that expires after 35 minutes (unless you pay for it).  Suitable for quick tests and that sort of thing, according to the description.  Posted for your information.
  7. W (from Inception Hosting)

    I think this is the future of ultra cheap VPS hosting.  I have two of them now and am just having a blast.  For 3 euros (about $4) per year, yes per YEAR, you get a small VPS in UK or NL, with a reasonable hunk of bandwidth.  The catch is you don't get a dedicated ipv4 address.  You get five...