Your code achieves the same end by explicitly defining the URL to be redirected to where as the code I provided is implicit in the way it sets the hostname. The code I provided is intentionally written as such so it's Plug-n-Play.
Looking for some Tier 1, Tier 2, or TL work. Flexibility preferred. I can do chats, tickets, and phone. If you would like a glimpse to in how I work please take a look at this thread.
I can also do onsite in the metro Boston area...
To learn more about the 3 As and to see an example please see this thread.
I will be following up with an example of improper use of the 3 As. You guys are also welcome to share chat logs if you wish and and we can dissect them together.
If we are talking big games like Battlefield or similar I would do something like:
Intel Core i7 6770K
1 or 2 nvidia Geforce 750 TI or 780
Actually this is along the lines of what I want to bump my current system to.
Current Specs:
From what Phillip has said it seems like Hostbill has a business model that is unsustainable. Essentially rendering it's own software to replace functionality with paid modules. Part of the issue I see is the skew of Hostbill that is aimed at competing with WHMCS is drastically overpriced. I...
The names for the brands that I have been involved in have never been of my creation. They were always thought up before I was brought on board.
USS Hosting
Those are the only three I can think of, although I have a feeling I was involved in at least two more...
Every now and then I come across a support representative that solves the problem but still leaves with that absent feeling. Almost like they didn't care about what just happened. I know from experience that at the end of the day it can become more challenging to efficiency convey the fact that...
If you want to force SSL everyone on your website just add these rules to a .htaccess file the htdocs (www) root of your webserver.
Hint: This also works on subdomains, just put it in the root of the folder at which the subdomain is pointed to.
I maybe completely off the mark here but recently when providing support I tend to fall back on the 3 As:
A – Acknowledge that their concerns are valid.
A – Align with the customer, agreeing that you would feel the same were you in their shoes.
A – Assure the customer that you will be able to...
I have seen RingCentral mentioned in the thread at least once or twice. Has anyone used any other cloud-based solutions? What's the pricing? What's your opinion of the service?