
web design

  1. Anniego Server


    SHARED HOSTING Pricing Plans The most affordable yearly and monthly plans ANNIEGO Starting At$4.99 (Monthly) Single Domain Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Data Transfer Unlimited Email Accounts MOMMY Starting At$10.99 (Monthly) 3 Domains Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Data Transfer 2 Email...
  2. baldwinjackson

    WordPress Site Migrations Tips

    WordPress migrations is always a matter of concern for both developers and clients. Migrations process was bite complicated due to various technical aspects. As WordPress was initially launch for blogging but within a decade it expanded all its limits. WordPress is capable of hosting multisite...
  3. baldwinjackson

    How To Host WordPress On DigitalOcean

    WordPress is one of the most popular CMS which power over 30% of total website which surpass all other CMS. WordPress is the only CMS which allow users to deploy their website by using drag and drop page builder. There are numerous hosting provider out there but DigitalOcean is one of the most...
  4. Eric1212

    Hire me for Hosting web design and branding! Start selling web-design to your clients today!!

    Hello VPS and web-hosting providers,   I build completely custom websites and brand identities for hosting companies and small businesses. As you probably know, having a custom site can help your brand stand out from the crowd. You may be losing clients simply because you use a well-known...