
2x L5420 servers w/ 24GB RAM - "Free" to a good home


Company Lube
Verified Provider
Hello everyone,

One of our colocation customers (i'll leave their name out until they give me the OK) upgraded

their boxes and have since left these for a good home. I have 3 of the following:

- Dual L5420 CPU's

- 16 - 24GB RAM

- 2U "Rackable Systems" chassis w/ 4 hot swap bays

- No rails needed since they're half depth with 'big ears'

I'm looking for $60/ea within the US. The $60 will cover shipping and a couple rounds

of beer for Matt since he'll be the one boxing them. :p



The Irrational One
Retired Staff
me!!! :D  I want one!!!

Just let me know where to send the dough! 
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Company Lube
Verified Provider
me!!! :D  I want one!!!

Just let me know where to send the dough!
I'll get that worked out, let me know if you want it shipped out or colocated.

No chance to ship outside US?  :( If so, I'd like one! 
 Price would be silly expensive, probably a couple hundred bucks. For that price you can likely buy within EU for less :(

I'll take one
 Colocating it in LV or ship out?

Totally unrelated, how much is a shot of tequila?
Waaaaaay too freaking much.



Company Lube
Verified Provider
Wait you have colo? How much for me to just continue the colo contract?
I do colocation for very close friends.

Rob's willing to colocate the units for $69/m.

EDIT - I'd trim some of the cost off and charge say $15 for Matt's time to rack it up and such.

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Company Lube
Verified Provider
I should note that these things don't have drives so you'd have to drop some in.

They also need a 'reverse breakout' cable if you aren't dropping a RAID card in it (about $20 on newegg).

Everyone interested please read this over and let me know.



Active Member
I'll have to bug him. I need to move some of my colo'd hardware.

Odd question, do you have to pay taxes every year like texas for colo'd hardware? Maybe a better question for rob.


Steven F

New Member
Verified Provider
I'll take as many as you have left. Please private message me a way to pay and I'll pay within 24 hours.
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Company Lube
Verified Provider
I'll have to bug him. I need to move some of my colo'd hardware.

Odd question, do you have to pay taxes every year like texas for colo'd hardware? Maybe a better question for rob.

LV doesn't have any funny taxes like that :)



Company Lube
Verified Provider
I'll take as many as you have left. Please private message me a way to pay and I'll pay within 24 hours.
It looks like everything is spoken for, for now.

I got a few reserved nodes that people put in before hand but if they change their mind it's yours.


Rob T

New Member
Verified Provider
Although I can't speak to what the State of Nevada might decide to do tomorrow, I am not aware of any of our colo clients ever getting a property tax bill for gear that is hosted here.


Active Member
Although I can't speak to what the State of Nevada might decide to do tomorrow, I am not aware of any of our colo clients ever getting a property tax bill for gear that is hosted here.
How can I contact you, I have a server for you. 

Tired of Texas. Had a server at and keep getting stupid bills from Houston. Want to move my gear so that I don't have to every year fill out a form for 60$ to state I don't need to be taxed. 
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