
Anyone knows howto setup solusvm KVM node in Softlayer?


New Member

I am trying to setup a node in SoftLayer, did you ever done this before ?

They don't use eth0 as default, and there is eth1, and bond1, just confused me.




New Member
Verified Provider
Never used SL directly but bond1 assumes that both your ethernet ports are connected and they have bonded the interface but then I would have assumed you would know that or their would have told you and you would also see eth0 up.

however regardless of this just assume it as like any other node and add the interface that currently holds the IP to the bridge.

perhaps posting the ifcfg-eth0/1/bond1 content would help us figure out how it is set up (hide the IP's obviously)?


Active Member
Verified Provider
I'm in the process of setting up a KVM node on their network right now.  You should actually have four eth ports and two bonds (well depending on your server configuration).  In our case it's something along the lines of this:

eth0 - bond0

eth1 - bond0 - private network

eth2 - bond1

eth3 - bond1 - public network

I'm going from memory so check which is your public/private and bridge accordingly.