Wow, that looks like a nice box if a little bit power hungry. Could you run:
- openssl speed rsa1024 (scaleway: 196.4 sign, 3465.5 verify)
- time echo "scale = 1000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l (scaleway: 1.78 sec)
- time echo "scale = 2000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l (scaleway: 10.28 sec)
Might ask for a few other tests involving downloads, if you're up for that. You might have to apt-get install bc for the bc tests.
Can I ask where you bought the box, and what it cost?
This box like many of these specs out nice on paper but fails to deliver in Linux as shipped by default. Sure the upfront base disk speeds looked good. That's where it ends for real world though.
Each board seems to have it's own little special oddness. Ditto for the CPUs on ones like this.
Although they call this an Octa Core it is and isn't. It has 4 cores of one type at a higher MHz level and then 4 cores of some other type at a lower MHz level. Haven't looked at or found CPU sheet to demystify it yet.
Linux shows 8 cores, but I fail to see them utilized yet. I've seen 2 cores utilized with things I run to see if my stack will work find on the device. The cores work when I tested openssl not linear increase near proportional to the cores, but like I said I don't think they all clock in at the same.
While my stack runs on this device, the performance sucks and is wrong direction with default base install. That said running OpenJDK + MySQL + scripts. Page generation times on this device are basically 300ms. Raspberry Pi quad core does 100ms on average faster. Being outpaced by a Pi? Meh.
I am blaming Linaro as being poured in, but not optimized at all for this. That's what it shipped with, so I need to find support / hobbyists out there and figure out what OS works better / or optimizations.
Let's run your tests on my Odroid U2 to compare with Scaleway. The U2 is old, the original Odroid model I do believe, still capable
- openssl speed rsa1024
odroid u2: 326.7 sign, 5844.5 verify
(scaleway: 196.4 sign, 3465.5 verify)
- time echo "scale = 1000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l
odroid u2: 1.152 sec
(scaleway: 1.78 sec)
- time echo "scale = 2000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l
odroid u2: 6.479 sec
(scaleway: 10.28 sec)
So on those, the Odroid U2 trounces the Scaleway.
- openssl speed rsa1024
(Rikomagic MK80LE: 442.5 sign, 7789.3 verfiy)
(odroid u2: 326.7 sign, 5844.5 verify)
(scaleway: 196.4 sign, 3465.5 verify)
- time echo "scale = 1000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l
(Rikomagic MK80LE: .998 sec)
(odroid u2: 1.152 sec)
(scaleway: 1.78 sec)
- time echo "scale = 2000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l
(Rikomagic MK80LE: 5.489 sec)
(odroid u2: 6.479 sec)
(scaleway: 10.28 sec)
So the Rikomagic MK80LE beats out the Odroid on these and Scaleway runs last.
Now let's run this with the Raspberry Pi quad core with default board settings:
- openssl speed rsa1024
(Rapberry Pi Quad Core: 147 sign 2645.5 verify)
(Rikomagic MK80LE: 442.5 sign, 7789.3 verfiy)
(odroid u2: 326.7 sign, 5844.5 verify)
(scaleway: 196.4 sign, 3465.5 verify)
- time echo "scale = 1000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l
(Rapberry Pi Quad Core: 2.201 sec)
(Rikomagic MK80LE .998 sec)
(odroid u2: 1.152 sec)
(scaleway: 1.78 sec)
- time echo "scale = 2000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l
(Rapberry Pi Quad Core: 12.518 sec)
(Rikomagic MK80LE 5.489 sec)
(odroid u2: 6.479 sec)
(scaleway: 10.28 sec)
Based on these, the Raspberry Pi Quad Core is the slowest.
Since openssl supports multi core, lets run 4 cores on the Pi vs. the Rikomagic vs. Odroid U2
- openssl speed rsa1024 -multi 4
(Rapberry Pi Quad Core: 580.6 sign 10485.3 verify)
(Rikomagic MK80LE: 1707.4 sign 29144.2 verify )
(odroid u2: 1295.1 sign 23359.8 verify)
Now since the Riko has 8 cores, we run multi 8 test
- openssl speed rsa1024 -multi 8
(Rikomagic MK80LE: 2467.6 sign 42483.2 verify )