In regards to this thread:
I have built a PHP applet that pulls data from once a week and builds a block list for a few different ASNs. The block lists currently come in the form of:
Nginx deny conf file.
iptables commands and all in a text format.
ipset commands and all in a text format.
RAW IP list.
Currently the ASNs that are being processed are:
$asns[] = 'AS6079'; // Colocrossing
$asns[] = 'AS16276'; // OVH
$asns[] = 'AS32097'; // WSI
You can check it out here:
I am looking for suggestions on file formats / configs that you would like to have built for as well. I need an example file and what the best way of building it would be. I.e. best practices.
I am also looking for suggested ASNs that should be watched and the reason why they should be blocked. Like Mass Spam, SSH brute Forces, et cetera.
Anyways, let me know how you like it!
EDIT: UPDATE: Checkout this handy tool to block via ASN:
I have built a PHP applet that pulls data from once a week and builds a block list for a few different ASNs. The block lists currently come in the form of:
Nginx deny conf file.
iptables commands and all in a text format.
ipset commands and all in a text format.
RAW IP list.
Currently the ASNs that are being processed are:
$asns[] = 'AS6079'; // Colocrossing
$asns[] = 'AS16276'; // OVH
$asns[] = 'AS32097'; // WSI
You can check it out here:
I am looking for suggestions on file formats / configs that you would like to have built for as well. I need an example file and what the best way of building it would be. I.e. best practices.
I am also looking for suggested ASNs that should be watched and the reason why they should be blocked. Like Mass Spam, SSH brute Forces, et cetera.
Anyways, let me know how you like it!
EDIT: UPDATE: Checkout this handy tool to block via ASN:
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