
Backup Software


Inertia Networks, LLC
Verified Provider
Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to back up a local Windows file server to an offsite SFTP server. Specifically, I am looking for the following features:

- Not just mounting the offside server as a drive, because some viruses target network drives as well.

- Backups only sync changes, and does not have to re-upload all the contents every backup time.

- If I delete a file, I can still restore it after the next backup has ran.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


Active Member
Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to back up a local Windows file server to an offsite SFTP server. Specifically, I am looking for the following features:

- Not just mounting the offside server as a drive, because some viruses target network drives as well.

- Backups only sync changes, and does not have to re-upload all the contents every backup time.

- If I delete a file, I can still restore it after the next backup has ran.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

I'm very happy with GoodSync 10.


Inertia Networks, LLC
Verified Provider
We use CloudBacko, works with cloud drives etc.

Yes CloudBacko works very well! Can also recommend it.

I'm currently using Duplicati, per @texteditor's recommendation. The only flaw with it is it can not run as a Windows service...

With CloudBacko, does the user have to be logged in, or does it run regardless.

The file server I have reboots every week, and Duplicati does not work unless I log in after the updates each week.
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Active Member
If you are worried about server security, and things like viruses infecting the backup, have you considered a pull backup (might be difficult with a local server) or versioning/diffs at the other end.


Not sure if this will work but GoodSync is suppose to be able to do backups to sftp etc. I use it mostly for syncing my drives but it should do the trick.