
Best Linux OS for desktop use?

Hmmm you guys are giving me ideas. I'm curious, what do you all think of Fedora? I've used it before but got fed up with some of the glitches I experienced so I went back to Debian.
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Debian and Gentoo here.

Honestly, if you're looking for a new experience and are comfortable with a linux environment already, Gentoo would be a good path to take.  I will warn you though - once you get past the stigmas and get a feel for just _HOW_ customizable everything is, it can get rather addictive :p
Same here. You can not go wrong with the both.


To work with Gentoo might be a frustrating one at first (or is it just me) but you'll not regret it when you see the end-results and the overall 'awesome-ness' of it.  Needless to say about Debian. It's awesome out-of-the-box.


As for which desktop environments to go for. Well, it's up to the individual really. *cough* anything_besides_kde *cough*