
Bundling and Deploying Scripts / Runtime Code in Debian Proper Location


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Been fussing around with some BASH scripts for a few months.  Getting to the point now to clean up my dev environment and decide where the critters should live and bundle such for documentation and redeployment.

The scripts are such that anything/anyone can run them per se.  No grand permissions or anything. 

There are accompanying files that go with the runtime/script.   Audio files namely.

Contemplating putting this in /usr/local/bin/whatever

Pushing the shell scripts there and accompanying audio files.

Is this proper?  Where do others in official know-paid-to-know gigs place such? 


Premium Buffalo-based Hosting
technically it's your call and a toss-up for whether /usr/local or /opt are better suited for this, both are historically considered 'good form' for add-on software but i've seen custom scripts/binaries appear in much weirder places on production systems


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Been doing the /root thing for years, but as single power user :)  Starting to push small code (utilities) here and there to "users".

Now to determine where data output files should live...


Active Member
Been doing the /root thing for years, but as single power user :)  Starting to push small code (utilities) here and there to "users".

Now to determine where data output files should live...

or if you use /opt/myscript, then typically /var/opt/myscript