Time for an update:
39 minutes of network downtime since the last review.
CPU and I/O are good.
Network is getting better through the last weeks.
--2014-06-15 18:01:50-- http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net (cachefly.cachefly.net)...
Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net (cachefly.cachefly.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `/dev/null'
100%[===========================================================================================>] 104,857,600 31.4M/s in 3.2s
2014-06-15 18:01:54 (31.4 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [104857600/104857600]
Uptime of the vps itself is 217 days.
Hopefully Choopa is able to get their network right (for more than one month) - they are on a good way.