
DevOps Tutorials | How to Install Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, and others on VPS using LEMPer Stack


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Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## LEMPer Stack
LEMPer Stack is terminal-based LEMP / [LNMP installer]( and manager for Debian & Ubuntu cloud or virtual server (vps) and on-premise (bare metal).

LEMPer stands for Linux, Engine-X (Nginx), MariaDB and PHP installer written in Bash script, also known as LEMP / LNMP installer. This is just a small toolset (a bunch collection of scripts) that I use to deploy and manage LEMP stack on Debian and Ubuntu server. LEMPer is crafted to support wide-range PHP framework & CMS. It is available as [I]Free Alternative[/I] to the paid control panel such as cPanel, Plesk, CloudWays, Ploi, RunCloud, ServerPilot, etc.

### New Features
- cURL'd installation wrapper
  - Installation from cURL as below:
    - Development: `curl -sSL | sudo bash -s -- install --development`
    - Production: `curl -sSL | sudo bash -s -- install --production`
  - Available parameters:
    - `--with-nginx=<version>`, available version: stable, latest | mainline, version-number (e.g. 1.20)
    - `--with-nginx-installer=<installer>`, available installer: source | repo
    - `--with-nginx-custom-ssl=<custom_ssl-version>`, example: openssl-1.1.1l | boringssl-master | libressl-3.0.0
    - `--with-nginx-lua`, compile Nginx with Lua module
    - `--with-nginx-pagespeed`, compile Nginx with PageSpeed module
    - `--with-nginx-passenger`, compile Nginx with Passenger module (Passenger installation required)
    - `--with-nginx-pcre=<version>`, example: 8.45
    - `--with-nginx-rtmp`, compile Nginx with RTMP module
    - `--with-php=<version>`, available version: 5.6, 7.0 - 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
    - `--with-php-extensions=<ext-name-1 ext-name-2 ext-name-x>`, example: imagick igbinary json
    - `--with-php-loader=<loader_name>`, available loader: ioncube | sourceguardian | all
    - `--with-mysql-server=mysql_server-version>`, example: mariadb-10.6 | mysql-5.7
    - `--with-memcached=<version>`, available version: latest | stable | version-number (e.g. 1.6.10)
    -  `--with-memcached-installer=<installer>`, available installer: source | repo
    - `--with-mongodb=<version>`, example: 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, or 5.0
    - `--with-mongodb-admin=<username:password>`, username: admin username, password: admin password
    - `--with-redis=<version>`, available version: latest | stable | version-number (e.g. 6.2.5)
    - `--with-redis-installer=<installer>`, available installer: source | repo
    - `--with-redis-requirepass=<password>`, Redis password
    - `--with-ssh-port=<port_number>`, example: 22, 2269
    - `--with-ssh-passwordless`, enable SSH password-less login (requires SSH public key set up)
    - `--with-ssh-pub-key=<public_key_string>`, public key string
    - `--hostname<host_name>`, Server hostname in fully qualified domain name format (e.g host.lemper.test)
    - `--ipv4=<ipv4_address>`, Server static / public IPv4 address
    - `--admin-email=<email_address>`, your stack administrator email (for notification, default Let's Encrypt account, and Mail sender)
    - `--fix-broken-install`, fix broken installation (broken apt installation)
    - `--dry-run`, run installer in dry run mode (testing)
    - `--debug`, run installer in debug mode (more verbose output)
    - `--force`, force installation and removal of existing installed software package
    - `--guided`, enter guided installation mode
    - `--development`, install LEMPer Stack on development or local environment
    - `--production`, install LEMPer Stack on production environment

### Support Us
To support our development please submit issue or pull request here


New Member
LEMPer Stack latest update is available here

What's New?

Bug fixes​

  • Package 'python' Has No Installation Candidate #142
  • Default install Ubuntu 20.04 vsftpd error #139
  • Certbot Let's Encrypt is Outdated #90

New Features​

  • Add Pure-FTPD FTP server install #120
  • Add PHP 8.2 support
  • Update default PHP to PHP 8.0
  • Update Fail2ban version and improve installer
  • Improve Certbot installer + self-signed SSL for local dev environment

Please take a review ^^