@HBAndreiWe are discussing technology no emotions here - I guess my point was clear however I do respect your opinion but overall its a lame solution - I saw an article also sharing the same opnion with some details on whyhttps://z0z0.me/2015/10/21/why-digitalocean-floating-is-fake/
As a current customer of DO - and many others my point is : They could have done better.
That blog post is laughably ignorant. Floating IP is a commonly used term, and Digital Ocean's implementation of it is virtually identical to that used by Amazon (elastic IP), OpenStack, and others. Just because they haven't launched load balancer as a service system doesn't make the floating IP system any less useful.
It's like when a company says they're going to start selling boxes, people start complaining that they're not selling shoes. wtf?
Edit: but the funniest part is, they provide three guides on how to use the system to achieve automatic failover, and people still complain:
* https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-high-availability-setup-with-corosync-pacemaker-and-floating-ips-on-ubuntu-14-04
* https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-highly-available-web-servers-with-keepalived-and-floating-ips-on-ubuntu-14-04
* https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-high-availability-setup-with-heartbeat-and-floating-ips-on-ubuntu-14-04
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