Our 1.5GB Offering has been given a bit of a makeover
We've included more space, another IPv4 Address and a 25% more Bandwidth and ontop of that we're giving you cPanel/WHM for $10!. Cracking deal right?
MonsterPromo v1.5
vCores: 4
RAM: 1.5GB / 3GB vSwap
BW (100Mbps): 1000GB
Virtualization: OpenVZ / Linux
Location: NYC
2 IPv4 Address
$7.00/Month OR
Want cPanel/WHM? Add for $10.00! That's a 1.5GB RAM/ 70GB HDD / cPanel/WHM VPS for only $17.00! Only valid until September 8th!
Before you leave -->> VPSBoard users get 15% OFF Recurring too! That's $5.95/Month
Thanks :wub: