
Earn some money and help the community.

Steven F

New Member
Verified Provider
I am looking to hire some people to write Linux tutorials and articles. This is for two different sites.

Site One (ETA 2 - 6 weeks)

  • Articles will be more focused on simple how tos, optimizations, and security features.
  • Shorter, more action-oriented tutorials on more popular and simple topics (an example might be configuring Apache to run on a small VPS).
  • We're also looking for translators. If you'd be interested in eventually translating the articles, please contact me with languages you're fluent in and pricing.
Site Two (Delayed Launch - ETA 3 - 6 months)

  • Articles are more focused on theory, complex setups, and security.
  • Longer, more discussion oriented articles/tutorials (an example might be how one could setup high availability, what their biggest problems would be, et cetera).
  • We are not looking for translators on this project.
If you're interested and would like to generate some spending cash, while helping the community, please fill out this form! More information will be provided a little further down the line. We're looking for people to write multiple articles; however, maybe you happen to be very knowledgable on a specific topic. If you only want to write one or two articles, just let us know. We'd love to get some cool and different tutorials/articles, as well.

A bit more about this project...

So, you're probably wondering what this is all for. The answer is pretty simple. I'm looking to create a small site that will benefit the community. While there are many tutorials out there now, with the public Digital Ocean, Linode, and other FAQ/tutorial sections, these are all relatively broad and don't touch up on quite a few topics that I'd like to use these sites to target. My goal is to be able to start publishing articles in the next 2 - 4 weeks, so if you're interested in getting paid and helping the community, fill out the form located above!
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
When you say, "the community", which community? I ask because of this:  :)


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
I was here first! I'm referring to the more general online community than this specific community.
Ah, hadn't even seen that thread TBH... but from the vpsB staff forum: :)

Sorry, I'll leave you to this. I had read this after waking up and was still in bed on my laptop. Sleep has been wiped from my eyes and I understand better now. ;)