
feathur = world worst support

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New Member
I opened a ticket with them on 07/09/2014 aka over 7 days ago about ssh ports and they have not replied to me at all.


And before you guys ask i have not bumped the ticket.

Has feathur been abandoned?
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Verified Provider
What do you expect from a free open source software vendor that relies on donations to survive?

But on the other hand, BlueVM's support is pretty slow as well.
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New Member
You pay like $3 a month, that's extremely fucking cheap, how do you think they sustain their business if they hire a bunch of support operators? And with this price, they will ofc have a lot of customers, you need to stop thinking that the world revolves around you.
More like $7 per month(1 master + 1 slave).

But a week is unacceptable.

I give my users better support then that on a free product.

Kayaba Akihiko

New Member
And they have more support staff.

1 week is a vary rubbish support system.

And they promoised 0.7 update still has not come.

I'm starting to think has feathur been abandend?
On the other hand, they might have chosen to ignore you, they might have not understood what you were saying so they just chose to ignore it, and you might as well bump the ticket, though that most likely will annoy the support operators.


New Member
On the other hand, they might have chosen to ignore you, they might have not understood what you were saying so they just chose to ignore it, and you might as well bump the ticket, though that most likely will annoy the support operators.
if this is the case i will move over to solusvm.


New Member
Your excuse is irrelevant.  A forum administrator told you directly to cut this bullshit out and stop dragging the place down with stupidity.  It would be nice to see you banned like your buddy, however - so by all means, go ahead and test Martin's patience.
So other people are allowed to complain about compnies but i'm not?

They is no bullshit here this is real and is a warning not to get a feathur lincnse.


New Member
Verified Provider
Honestly, what kind of question can you have about SSH ports that you cannot discover on your own?  You have access to the server right?  Go investigate.


New Member
Honestly, what kind of question can you have about SSH ports that you cannot discover on your own?  You have access to the server right?  Go investigate.
it is to see if the script has any files to allow it to listen for a new port.

so this is a queston about the script side of things.
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