Few EU Domains - Hosting oriented


Verified Provider
PayPal payment.

All around 1/2 to 1 year old (I dont know first registration; EURID does not publish this info and i bought them)

All expire 01.2015

Currently with EDIS - I provide the auth code for transfer or push them to your edis account (though EDIS is not that cheap for .eu)

1000mbit.eu 20EUR

64kb.eu 10EUR

250tb.eu 10EUR

getvpn.eu 20EUR

quickvpn.eu 10EUR

vpslisting.eu 10EUR

lowend.eu 10EUR

dev-vm.eu 10EUR

Open for offers, if realistic.


New Member
Do we need to be a resident of a country from Europe to purchase one of your .EU domains?
