
Free VPS - Any specs


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Are we all out of popcorn?

Some not so nice posts in that batch @KuJoe.

I just don't understand the mindset of the "free" VPS audience.  Things ought to be free?  Novel idea.


The ocean is digital
I like how these people on the Internet are starting to learn how to word their responses so as to paint the people who respond to them as inconsiderate and rude. This one won't fly though. At one point you said anything 256mb ram and under should be free (as though nodes are free if sliced in 256mb pieces). You've been trying to start this legit operation for quite some time yet you can't front $5 to do it and you never seem to find the right one that can run your software.

Tell you what, I'll give you a free vps at your specifications, I'll install kloxo, and I'll only ask for 50% of your profits. I only ask that this 50% equal $5 or greater in no more than 2 weeks or the deal is off. Deal? :)
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
There goes Jarland signing up for some headaches.

The OP said it should be FREE.  Assume he wants to keep all the cash money yo.

You are going to need to get your legal team to get everything in writing Jarland since that offer would be a contract :)


New Member
Verified Provider
I will give you a free VPS. It will include 32KB of RAM, have 0.1% of one CPU core, 56K dial up internet, and a /69 of IPv4...


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Shovenose rubbing salt on the OP.  

Anyone know where my barbecue sauce went and the charcoal?


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Why would someone provide you with a VPS so you can "resell" their donation?

Can this guy be the reason for a ban on all future threads of this nature?  This isn't freevps.. 
No picking on the OP :)  

We should have house rules about the free stuff.

Luis is from Argentina I believe.  English not being his first language, some things may get lost in translation.

So while he wants "free" I am not mistaking him as a mooch.  He did say was willing to trade for a VPS various things.

The thread here should remain, but the title should be modified to something like:

VPS WANTED - any specs  - Will Trade 


Content Contributer
Well if someone can spend 12$ a year for a domain he might be able to spend another 15$ a year for a vps.


Don't take me seriously!
Verified Provider
Hahaha, welcome Luis. I'll give you a free VPS if you find something better to do than your usual idle and then bragging, or installing Kloxo for another free host that never goes anywhere or running Minecraft or a site that no one visits....


Active Member
Verified Provider is the first link in his signature on The second ( ) is a cPanel suspended page.

That isn't his only free VPS with more than 256mb ram.
I'm quite positive on that. I've visited a couple of times before, and he seems to be a very active member, I see him in many post for VPS forums :p

C'mon Luis my buddy, there are many cheap hosts around here that can provide robust VPSs! :)
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The Irrational One
Retired Staff