My veggie patch has been on the go for a couple of months after sowing and growing in the conservatory for a month or so - this means the veggie patch is looking quite green at the moment.
Only problem is, due to the crappy weather, there is some funky growth problems going on - my runner beans, broad beans and peas have only grown to 18 inches tall before flowering, the peas already have pods on them! I did check to make sure I hadn't bought dwarf varieties but nope, regular ones, just stunted. Could be down to wet weather, followed by about a week of nice warm weather where everything thought it was mid summer and went for it!
Apart from that, apart from fighting off cats and foxes who want to sit in the middle of everything, I am currently growing:
- Tomatoes (Ildi, red pear and money maker)
- Peas
- Runner beans
- French climbing beans
- Broad beans
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Pumpkins
- Courgette (you guys call them zucchini or something?)
- Petit pan squash (UFO shaped things)
- Sweet dumpling squash
- Butternut squash
- Rhubarb
- Aubergines (egg plants?)
- Beetroot
- Cucumbers
- Cucamelons
- Kole Rabi
- Lettuce
- Carrots
- Figs (yup, get a few in the UK)
- Lemon tree (had 7 or 8 lemons last year)
- Radish
- Strawberries (alpine and normal)
- Corn (failed already due to wet weather)
- Lots of herbs. I even have an old wheelbarrow full of different mints - spearmint, french mint, chocolate mint, lemon mint, grapefruit mint)
Not bad for a small back garden with some raised beds made from old scaffolding planks and pallet wood. Think I have just under 130 sq foot of veggie patch and use square foot gardening.
Keeps me out of trouble, the family in veg and my wallet is saved from buying VPSes. In fact, as growing season hits I get rid of some VPSes just to afford more seeds and plug plants! I think through winter I spend about 40 bucks a month on playing with stuff and now I am down to 7 bucks a month for a mail server and a cpanel reseller with BuyVM. No doubt that will go back up at the end of the season and the crapper than normal weather comes back
I now have a Pi powered by solar and a 7Ah battery to keep an eye on my chickens as well. Just need more batteries to keep it going over night (the battery is also used for lights etc in the shed).
One day that small holding will become a reality!
Jeez, I sound like an old fart, but at least I am a happy(ish) old fart