Since appearently some people on irc don't like bots. Lets have a nice civilized discussion on allowing an irc tipbot in the #vpsboard irc channel. If you don't know what an irc tip bot is, basically it is a bot that allows you to do tips, soaks, etc. I think that it would make the channel more fun, and it would encourage more participation in the irc channel. As some people (not naming names), don't like any bots, lets discuss this as I would like to know why they don't like the idea of allowing an irc tip bot.
Feel free to name me, I don't mind

You may want to change it to 'the vast majority' instead of 'some people' too as that's more accurate.
If there's a 'tip' bot, we'll only end up with users spewing forth trash in an attempt to receive tips. It's like the post-count in here. You'll regularly see people posting arbitrary nonsense to get their post count up so they can whore out whatever services they want to offer.
If it was a dedicated support channel for some product or service then I could see some value in doing this as, in principal, it's a good idea. For our channel, it will only add to the general noise of the place and be miss-used by the kids who just like to get attention. I mean, the person who wanted it in there in the first place was claiming the channel was theirs and they had the right to make decisions on the bot being added. Also the same person who has been banned and kicked from the channel on numerous occasions for bringing in their own ridiculous bots despite being told otherwise - not just from me.
IN MY OPINION, the principal is a good idea but it's just not suited for the vpsboard IRC channel.