Wow - what a discussion - big big lesson for me !!! 
All points mentioned by you are very very interesting and drops new light on my try on this market.
Basically I`m not the person who cares about the "graphical" and aesthetic part - rather focused on the technical aspects - what is my fail now
I`m very very glad that you took this topic so serious and provided so many points I need to focus on.
Have some idea for some innovations, and definitely will provide more details on the web
Will back to You when improvements will be implemented !
All points mentioned by you are very very interesting and drops new light on my try on this market.
Basically I`m not the person who cares about the "graphical" and aesthetic part - rather focused on the technical aspects - what is my fail now
I`m very very glad that you took this topic so serious and provided so many points I need to focus on.
Have some idea for some innovations, and definitely will provide more details on the web
Will back to You when improvements will be implemented !