
Koding referral Bonus


New Member
Hi Guys,

Didn't see anything in the Forums here,

But Koding are having "Crazy 250TB Week" Giving a bonus 1GB of space on all referral signups.

Koding provide a free VPS with ssh access via website, only catch is the VPS turns off 2 hours after logging out.

Create for testing a development though.

My Referral is:

Add your referral once you sign up so we can all share the love,

Also once you reach max referrals remove it so someone else can get the bonus,

From the site:

Develop, Together

Learn programming or make apps.
Hack Ruby, Go, Java, NodeJS, PHP, C, and Python.
Install Wordpress, Laravel, Django, and Bootstrap.
Play with MySQL, Mongo, and enjoy root access.
Sign up now and join the fun!


Active Member

I also have an account: if you would register to try their services please consider referrering to me :).

I'm using their service often and 1-2G plus space would make my life much easier ;).

Thanks very much for even considering:

Have a nice day!!


Active Member

Well they still have an affilite program but it changed a little bit:

"After each person that signs up with your link, you get additional 500mb (up to 20gb) and they get a 3gb VM upon verifying their emails"

I'm still learning about stuff so I havent posted anything here yet (yea i dont want to post a crappy tutorial :) or copy another from a different site, nor could i write code that doesnt have tons of secholes in it so.. ) well if you would be so kind and would still support my learning curve please sign up over my aff link.

(and yeah i do intend to contribute once i can write stuff thats actually useful and not going to make things worse than they r :D..)

on another note i think aff link topics such as this should be moved to the [playground] (offtopic) so ppl who dont care about such things can ignore them easily. there should also be a rule to include [affilite] in the topic or sg if its even allowed to post crap like this.. :wub: