
Looking for some VPS sponsors


New Member

I am Fahad. CEO of TechNSpecs.Me. Tech N Specs is a technology forum and a post to host community that provides free VPS and domains. You just need to make 20 posts every month. 

I am looking for sponsors who can sponsor us with VPS reseller or direct VPSes. I can place your 728x90px banner on site and place a linkback to your site. Please email me at if you are interested.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
It's unlikely you'll receive any positive response to this as what you're asking is generally frowned upon. Good luck anyhow.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
So the site pimps free handouts from VPS providers.. Then dishes them out where members of their site hit 20 post a month threshold.

So in essence it's sponsored / paid posting.

Price of average VPS divided by 20 posts a month  = 

$20 / 20 = $1 per post

$10 / 20 = 50 cents per post

$7 / 20 = 35 cents per post

$5 / 20 = 25 cents per post

$2 / 20 = 10 cents per post

These numbers seem low even for the Fiverr slaver work force.  Quality posts aren't going to happen on such compensation rates.

Of course, doing research just yesterday on other communities and found one paying members for post at rates of several dollar per post.  Hosting related site too.  Better watch before I go defect for a month to there and bankrupt them :)

I am a CEO too... I am the CEO of Working at Home in my Underpants.  We are growing meat packing facility based in the south. 