
LunaNode being booted from SingleHop


New Member
Verified Provider
SpamHaus Project Ltd. appears to have additionally delisted our web server block. I don't see any further blocks listed. I will not confirm any changes in the status yet as we are still communicating with SingleHop LLC.

I am regaining trust in SpamHaus but they still have a ways to go, this caused us and I'm sure our customers as well a lot of frustration.

Note that either way I believe we (Luna Node) will be proceeding to offer services is Scranton in BurstNET's facility with owned equipment (and hopefully our own IP ranges);  ideally this will be an additional location and not a migration!
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Note that either way I believe we (Luna Node) will be proceeding to offer services is Scranton in BurstNET's facility with owned equipment (and hopefully our own IP ranges);  ideally this will be an additional location and not a migration!
Now that's more like it :)

Glad to hear this.


Company Lube
Verified Provider
To what policies are you referring?
Sorry, this is a late reply but figured I'd explain what I meant.

You need to make sure they know what issue happened in the past and what you have done to improve it. The best thing you can do in situations like this is make sure your upstreams know exactly what's coming.

Anyone we've ever done business with we warn them that we ddos attacks do happen and we have things like autonull, etc, to help with it. If they can't assist with nullroute communities or things like that we stop talking to them.

If you're upfront then they'll be more inclined to not chew your face off.
