
Manchester Attack

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Active Member
Verified Provider
This is tragic. It just goes to show in a place with as much security precautions as the UK things like this can still happen.

All the security precautions in the world are not going to stop crazy people from doing crazy things. The problem is that Europe, as a whole, keeps welcoming these muslims into their countries. They despise how we live. The despise what we have. They despise the religion we choose or not choose to practice. They hate everything about us. They want to live like they're in the 1100s, and treat each other like animals.

Some day Europe is going to wake up and realize how stupid it is to welcome these people. The US is getting there slowly but surely.


vpsBoard Premium Member
Well, this was a fun thread. I was going to remove some posts but decided to leave them as examples of posts that are no welcome here.

1. @maounique we understand you don't like @jarland, but vpsBoard is not a place to rehash your grudge. Knock it off and stop polluting threads with it. We really don't want to hear any more about why you were banned on LowEndTalk, whether or not it was just, etc. We just don't care. Not sure why you think insulting mods here is a path to victory, but in a few short threads you've labeled most of the staff here at vpsB and LET as yes men, monkey eradicators (?), and "part of the problem" leading us towards the coming "meltdown of civilization".

If you want to come here to discuss VPSes, hosting, technology, the Internet, etc. you're more than welcome If you're going to come here and thrash around in threads about problems you've had in other forums and insulting others, then you'll be banned. Take this as your only warning.

2. @WSWD9 your post was over the top. You're painting something like 1.7 billion people with a broad terrorist brush. When you say things like "they despise how we live" and "they treat each other like animals" you've crossed a line. Immigration policy is one thing...saying every muslim is a terrorist is something very different and is inappropriate.

3. I have nothing against monkeys and have never eradicated a single one. But I am a religious nut-job (I even go to Church!) and am disappointed I wasn't labeled as such. And I'm an NRA life member and American Rifleman member, too! I feel inadequately labeled. Well, it's a been a busy thread.


Retired Staff
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Retired Staff
Some day Europe is going to wake up and realise how stupid it is to welcome these people.

Easy to say, the theory behind it is also quite simple. Close all the borders, gun turrets and everything at the ready. Leave all the countries that don't conform to our 'standards' isolated and let them get on with it. Will it solve the current issues? No, we would then need to expel all Muslims (because only Muslims are terrorists) from Europe, sound like familiar territory yet?

Having done all that we sit back, relax and enjoy a Muslim/Terrorist free EU. Oh wait, that country over there we were going to leave to fight things out amongst themselves, now they are amassing an army close to an EU border, right, it's the leadership, time to take them out. Fuck, refugees again, better open the border and let them in, we were partly to blame this time. Oh wait, sound familiar?

And on it goes.

There will always be views on the best way to deal with elements of life and the world, but there is never the best way.


vpsBoard Premium Member
On further reflection, I think I owe @WSWD an apology. He wrote:

"All the security precautions in the world are not going to stop crazy people from doing crazy things. The problem is that Europe, as a whole, keeps welcoming these muslims into their countries. They despise how we live."

The phrase "these muslims" is ambiguous (at least in my mind) and I erred in reading it too broadly. I think that when @WSWD referred to people who despise freedom of religion and want to return the world to 1100, he was referring to radicalized Islamic terrorists - crazy people doing crazy things - and that is certainly true. If you read "these muslims" as all muslims, it's outrageous...if you read it as referring to ISIS, it's spot on.

Sorry 'bout that...yet another example of the dangers of discussing religion and politics on the 'net. Or moderating when sober.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Someone reported a comment in this thread. I won't say who reported what, but let me just say this:

Think about what you're posting and who all may be able to see it in the future.

With that said, no action was taken because I felt like no action was needed. I'm all for free speech, and I'm really only convinced to remove stuff when identifying information is posted about people that should not be posted or if something is blatant spam.

Someone, or even some people being offended isn't reason to remove anyone's comment. I like to leave stuff like that up for other people to see, too.
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