Here's a copy of my IPv4 and IPv6 firewall rules that may be of some use if you plan on doing PPTP, L2TP, VoIP(I use MagicJack), or want to enable loopback on the router (I run two IP subnets so you can ignore the second entry):
/ip firewall filter
add action=drop chain=input comment="Block Port 53" dst-port=53 in-interface=wan protocol=udp
add chain=input comment="Allow Established connections" connection-state=established
add chain=input comment="Allow Related connections" connection-state=related
add chain=forward comment="Allow Established connections" connection-state=established
add chain=forward comment="Allow Related connections" connection-state=related
add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop Invalid connections" connection-state=invalid
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop Invalid connections" connection-state=invalid
add chain=input comment="Accept bridge-local" in-interface=lan
add chain=forward comment="Accept bridge-local" in-interface=lan
add chain=input comment=PPTP dst-port=1723 protocol=tcp
add chain=input comment="PPTP GRE" protocol=gre
add chain=input comment=L2TP dst-port=1701,500,4500 protocol=udp
add chain=input comment=L2TP protocol=ipsec-esp
add chain=input comment="Allow UDP" protocol=udp
add chain=forward comment="Allow UDP" protocol=udp
add chain=input comment="Allow ICMP" protocol=icmp
add chain=forward comment="Allow ICMP" protocol=icmp
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop everything else" log-prefix=DROPALLELSE
add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop everything else" log-prefix=DROPALLELSE
/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment=Magicjack dst-port=5060-5070 new-packet-mark=magicjack protocol=udp
/ip firewall nat
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="default configuration" out-interface=wan
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="default configuration" disabled=yes out-interface=sfp1-gateway to-addresses=
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="NAT Loopback" dst-address= src-address=
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="NAT Loopback" dst-address= src-address=
/ip firewall service-port
set irc disabled=yes
set h323 disabled=yes
set sip ports=5060,5061,5090
/ipv6 firewall filter
add chain=input comment="Allow established connections" connection-state=established
add chain=input comment="Allow related connections" connection-state=related
add chain=input comment="Allow limited ICMP" limit=50/5s,5 protocol=icmpv6
add chain=input comment="Allow UDP to port 546" dst-port=546 protocol=udp
add chain=forward comment="Allow established connections" connection-state=established
add chain=forward comment="Allow related connections" connection-state=related
add chain=forward comment="Allow limited ICMP" limit=50/5s,5 protocol=icmpv6
add chain=input comment="Allow any from LAN" in-interface=lan
add chain=forward comment="Allow any to internet" out-interface=wan
add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop input"
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop forward"
I picked up my CRS125-24G-1S-2HnD-IN on eBay for $169.99 shipped and it was the best router/switch purchase I've ever made.