Aldryic C'boas
The Pony
Or maybe he's referencing a general aspect of behaviour he's observed, and it's not all about you.
Read what I said again. I was specifically refering to the overuse of the "go to the Cest Pit" for anything vaguely off-topic (or anything somebody didn't like, for that matter). You're arguing against a point I never made to begin with.
EDIT: And no, "somebody tells you to so there's probably a reason" is not any more valid reasoning, than assuming that anybody who complains is wrong.
To which I made my rant about showing some empathy to fellow community members and not automatically bucketing anyone who doesn't show the same level of engagement with the topics of your choice as 'complainers' who've somehow trying to 'get the hand too'. Much like the atypical behaviour of bucketing everyone who disagrees with you into 'those who don't read'.My primary concern would be that, over time, some of the complainers would realize that they've gotten the finger, and try to "get the hand too" by demanding that there be absolutely no mention of "drama" whatsoever, outside of threads in the drama category.
Despite you not mentioning overuse, I did take that into account by default. But really, how do you define overuse? It's purely subjective and sounds like people who've crossed your personal threshold for disagreement suffice. Do they become 'complainers' then?A good example of this going wrong, would be the "go discuss that in the Cest Pit" response to anything vaguely off-topic on LET, that went around for a while. Rather than moving things to the Cest Pit, it would basically kill off discussion, because you had to walk on eggshells not go to "too far off-topic".
I like the topic-level filtering idea much better. I do read the occasional gossip thread (obviously) but being able to personally delist them once they become toxic or just banter would be a welcomed alternative.@MannDude - I've only done a cursory search and not found any results; but perhaps there is something similar in the resources you use for IPB mods - an addon that would give individuals the option to Ignore This Topic as an addition to the Follow This Topic feature. Would take a few clicks for someone so allergic to such threads they can't help but add to them to be able to make them vanish, and remove the need for an extra section. After all, who's to say whether a particular issue about an already-bombarded topic is merely more gossip, or something pretty damn relevant people should know?
Anyways, if such a mod exists, I'd be happy to chip in for it.
Eh, this is a bit offtopic, but worth bringing up that the difference isn't cultural or idealogical, but Rechthaberei. It doesn't matter what logic or explanation you give him, he will never admit a fault. Attempts at reason would just be a waste of your time.Maybe there really is some cultural difference and what you believe you say isn't how it's actually coming across. But I do know one thing... I've obviously posted something you personally feel is 'off-topic' by not reading your post.
example: "Linux vs FreeBSD" threads on some tech forums guarantee a fight every timeWhat if a thread about a neutral topic gets really bad for a page or two - people arguing, snide remarks being flung around
we're gonna start by jailing your posting privileges to that sectionThing is, then you will have people bitching about WHO DECIDES WHAT GOES IN THAT SECTION...
You just can't win!
Perhaps it'd be a good idea to include my side of the story, as I do for your side of the story whenever I explain to anybody why I'm banned from BuyVM services. Something about fairness and integrity.Example: he was - and despite freely admitting to what he did, he still firmly believes that there was nothing wrong with his actions, and that everything was justified. It's a pedestal so high that he would likely break his neck if he ever attempted descent.
Jun 02 18:10:38 joepie91 uh
Jun 02 18:10:40 joepie91 Topiary
Jun 02 18:10:40 joepie91 ..
Jun 02 18:10:43 joepie91 that is a Frantech IP
Jun 02 18:10:48 Topiary FIREFIREFIREFIRE
Jun 02 18:10:52 Topiary FUCK YOU FRANTECH\111
Jun 02 18:10:52 joepie91 DDoS it
Jun 02 18:10:54 sabu everybody stfu
Jun 02 18:10:54 joepie91 it will disappear
Jun 02 18:10:55 storm ?
Jun 02 18:10:56 joepie91 in a few minutes
You straight up encouraged Topiary to attack one of our clients with the express intent of getting them kicked out. Also, for the record:Jun 02 18:13:42 joepie91 Topiary: just a tip, Frantech has an automated nullrouting system in place. If you DDoS Laurelais IP, he will disappear from the internet for a while, and if you keep doing it he will be booted from their service.
Jun 02 18:14:31 joepie91 it'll get nullrouted for ~1 hour at first I believe
Jun 02 18:14:36 joepie91 after a few nullroutes he will get suspended
Jun 02 18:14:37 joepie91![]()
That is 100% bullshit. Not only did the client in question get attacked (with timestamps dating not long after your little chat), but the drama you stirred up was one of the primary reasons for them being permanently removed from our network.and Aldryic later indeed confirmed that no attack had occurred against their network.
I don't take sides, I state facts. You encouraged attacks against our network - the publicly available logs confirm this. "I was just checking for leaks" is the childish excuse of a 10 year old that just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar - not only are you insulting anyone reading with such drivel, but you've given a prime example of why you should never be trusted.I am getting very tired of you constantly rehashing this same story from one side
I've already indicated that it wasn't a smart idea to try and use this as a leak check. I just stated this in the post above. I also stated it to you the first time we discussed this. I've even apologized for it at that time. You are demanding something that already happened.When you actually admit that you were wrong to tell Topiary to attack our IP space, and apologize for doing so, I'll consider "burying the topic". You are nothing but a skid to me, and you STILL try to justify your actions and claim you did no wrong.
Remember when we discussed this, and you stated that I'd be in serious trouble if you found out that an attack did actually take place? Remember how you threatened with legal repercussions if that were to be the case? Remember how you later confirmed to me that no attack had taken place, and that I was lucky? Exactly.That is 100% bullshit. Not only did the client in question get attacked (with timestamps dating not long after your little chat), but the drama you stirred up was one of the primary reasons for them being permanently removed from our network.
No. The publicly available logs confirm exactly what was visible in your quotes. That I've informed somebody about how your nullrouting mechanism worked. Go read them again.I don't take sides, I state facts. You encouraged attacks against our network - the publicly available logs confirm this.
No, it's not. It's a very basic opsec technique, and I'm far from the only person who uses it. And indeed you should never trust me, as you should never trust anybody - that's kind of the idea behind the leak checking thing and opsec in general."I was just checking for leaks" is the childish excuse of a 10 year old that just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar - not only are you insulting anyone reading with such drivel, but you've given a prime example of why you should never be trusted.
You mean doing what I already did repeatedly, in this thread and in private conversations with you?You want to talk maturity? Own up to your actions.
That is your interpretation, and you've refused to believe the explanation I've given. Fine - but at least provide an objective view to others, rather than "warning" them by just telling them your (biased and unproven) interpretation of what happened. That's not "warning somebody", that's defamation.Bottom line is, you associated with skids and arranged for attacks against our network.
Except I did. Unless you expect me to "admit fault" for every single time you state I haven't - you've claimed that so often, that it'd be hard to fulfill that demand.You will never admit any fault or wrongdoing over this - so I suggest moving on now that you've said your piece and not derailing the thread further.
No, you didn't. I even said the phrase "that's the closest we'll ever get to an apology from you" in the VPSBoard IRC. Had you actually apologized, I wouldn't be willing to take a few minutes out of my day to remind people of who you really are.I've even apologized for it at that time.
No, you didn't. I even said the phrase "that's the closest we'll ever get to an apology from you" in the VPSBoard IRC. Had you actually apologized, I wouldn't be willing to take a few minutes out of my day to remind people of who you really are.
You can tell all the stories and claim "you're lying" all you want. Yes, most of this is your word versus mine - except the logs very clearly show you encouraging Topiary to DDoS a client on our network. It doesn't matter what excuse you make, those are damning enough.
You've told your side, I've told mine. Once again, I suggest you let that stand as is and let this thread go back on course. Or open a new one if trying to justify your actions bothers you that much.